Bergen Gynecologic Cancer Research Group

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 ADDIN EN.REFLIST Berg, A., K. E. Fasmer, K. K. Mauland, S. Ytre-Hauge, E. A. Hoivik, J. A. Husby, I. L. Tangen, J. Trovik, M. K. Halle, K. Woie, L. Bjorge, A. Bjornerud, H. B. Salvesen, H. M. Werner, C. Krakstad and I. S. Haldorsen (2016). "Tissue and imaging biomarkers for hypoxia predict poor outcome in endometrial cancer." Oncotarget 7(43): 69844-69856.


Bollineni, V. R., S. Ytre-Hauge, O. Bollineni-Balabay, H. B. Salvesen and I. S. Haldorsen (2016). "High Diagnostic Value of 18F-FDG PET/CT in Endometrial Cancer: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Literature." J Nucl Med 57(6): 879-885.


Cheng, T. H., D. J. et l… Cunningham, P. D. Pharoah, A. M. Dunning, S. L. Edwards, D. F. Easton, I. Tomlinson and A. B. Spurdle (2016). "Five endometrial cancer risk loci identified through genome-wide association analysis." Nat Genet 48(6): 667-674.


Cuellar-Partida, et al… and S. MacGregor (2016). "Assessing the genetic architecture of epithelial ovarian cancer histological subtypes." Hum Genet 135(7): 741-756.


Dixon, S. C.,et al…., A. Dansonka-Mieszkowska, A. Budzilowska, B. Spiewankiewicz, P. M. Webb and C. Ovarian Cancer Association (2016). "Adult body mass index and risk of ovarian cancer by subtype: a Mendelian randomization study." Int J Epidemiol 45(3): 884-895.


Gansmo, L. B., M. Bjornslett, M. K. Halle, H. B. Salvesen, A. Dorum, E. Birkeland, K. Hveem, P. Romundstad, L. Vatten, P. E. Lonning and S. Knappskog (2016). "The MDM4 SNP34091 (rs4245739) C-allele is associated with increased risk of ovarian-but not endometrial cancer." Tumour Biol 37(8): 10697-10702.


Gibson, W. J., E. A. Hoivik, M. K. Halle, A. Taylor-Weiner, A. D. Cherniack, A. Berg, F. Holst, T. I. Zack, H. M. Werner, K. M. Staby, M. Rosenberg, I. M. Stefansson, K. Kusonmano, A. Chevalier, K. K. Mauland, J. Trovik, C. Krakstad, M. Giannakis, E. Hodis, K. Woie, L. Bjorge, O. K. Vintermyr, J. A. Wala, M. S. Lawrence, G. Getz, S. L. Carter, R. Beroukhim and H. B. Salvesen (2016). "The genomic landscape and evolution of endometrial carcinoma progression and abdominopelvic metastasis." Nat Genet 48(8): 848-855.


Haldorsen, I. S. and H. B. Salvesen (2016). "What Is the Best Preoperative Imaging for Endometrial Cancer?" Curr Oncol Rep 18(4): 25.


Hampras, S. S., et al….and K. B. Moysich (2016). "Assessment of variation in immunosuppressive pathway genes reveals TGFBR2 to be associated with risk of clear cell ovarian cancer." Oncotarget 7(43): 69097-69110.


Holst, F., E. A. Hoivik, W. J. Gibson, A. Taylor-Weiner, S. E. Schumacher, Y. W. Asmann, P. Grossmann, J. Trovik, B. M. Necela, E. A. Thompson, M. Meyerson, R. Beroukhim, H. B. Salvesen and A. D. Cherniack (2016). "Corrigendum: Recurrent hormone-binding domain truncated ESR1 amplifications in primary endometrial cancers suggest their implication in hormone independent growth." Sci Rep 6: 27960.


Holst, F., E. A. Hoivik, W. J. Gibson, A. Taylor-Weiner, S. E. Schumacher, Y. W. Asmann, P. Grossmann, J. Trovik, B. M. Necela, E. A. Thompson, M. Meyerson, R. Beroukhim, H. B. Salvesen and A. D. Cherniack (2016). "Recurrent hormone-binding domain truncated ESR1 amplifications in primary endometrial cancers suggest their implication in hormone independent growth." Sci Rep 6: 25521.


Kar, S. P.,et al….  P. D. Pharoah and D. Lambrechts (2016). "Genome-Wide Meta-Analyses of Breast, Ovarian, and Prostate Cancer Association Studies Identify Multiple New Susceptibility Loci Shared by at Least Two Cancer Types." Cancer Discov 6(9): 1052-1067.


Lawrenson, K., S. et al…, A. C. Antoniou and S. A. Gayther (2016). "Functional mechanisms underlying pleiotropic risk alleles at the 19p13.1 breast-ovarian cancer susceptibility locus." Nat Commun 7: 12675.


Meeks, H. D., H. et al….  A. B. Spurdle and D. E. Goldgar (2016). "BRCA2 Polymorphic Stop Codon K3326X and the Risk of Breast, Prostate, and Ovarian Cancers." J Natl Cancer Inst 108(2).


Ong, J. S., et al…  and S. MacGregor (2016). "Association of vitamin D levels and risk of ovarian cancer: a Mendelian randomization study." Int J Epidemiol 45(5): 1619-1630.


Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium, et al… M. J. Hooning and E. L. Goode (2016). "No clinical utility of KRAS variant rs61764370 for ovarian or breast cancer." Gynecol Oncol 141(2): 386-401.


Painter, J. N., S. Kaufmann, T. A. O'Mara, K. M. Hillman, H. Sivakumaran, H. Darabi, T. H. Cheng, J. Pearson, S. Kazakoff, N. Waddell, E. A. Hoivik, E. L. Goode, R. J. Scott, I. Tomlinson, A. M. Dunning, D. F. Easton, J. D. French, H. B. Salvesen, P. M. Pollock, D. J. Thompson, A. B. Spurdle and S. L. Edwards (2016). "A Common Variant at the 14q32 Endometrial Cancer Risk Locus Activates AKT1 through YY1 Binding." Am J Hum Genet 98(6): 1159-1169.


Painter, J. N., et al…. and. National Study of Endometrial Cancer Genetics and G. Australian National Endometrial Cancer Study (2016). "Genetic Risk Score Mendelian Randomization Shows that Obesity Measured as Body Mass Index, but not Waist:Hip Ratio, Is Causal for Endometrial Cancer." Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 25(11): 1503-1510.


Southey, M. C.,  et al….D. F. Easton and R. L. Milne (2016). "PALB2, CHEK2 and ATM rare variants and cancer risk: data from COGS." J Med Genet 53(12): 800-811.


Tangen, I. L., T. B. Onyango, R. Kopperud, A. Berg, M. K. Halle, A. M. Oyan, H. M. Werner, J. Trovik, K. H. Kalland, H. B. Salvesen and C. Krakstad (2016). "Androgen receptor as potential therapeutic target in metastatic endometrial cancer." Oncotarget 7(31): 49289-49298.


Thompson, D. J., et al…. A. B. Spurdle (2016). "CYP19A1 fine-mapping and Mendelian randomization: estradiol is causal for endometrial cancer." Endocr Relat Cancer 23(2): 77-91.


van der Putten, L. J., N. C. Visser, K. van de Vijver, M. Santacana, P. Bronsert, J. Bulten, M. Hirschfeld, E. Colas, A. Gil-Moreno, A. Garcia, G. Mancebo, F. Alameda, J. Trovik, R. K. Kopperud, J. Huvila, S. Schrauwen, M. Koskas, F. Walker, V. Weinberger, L. Minar, E. Jandakova, M. P. Snijders, S. van den Berg-van Erp, X. Matias-Guiu, H. B. Salvesen, F. Amant, L. F. Massuger and J. M. Pijnenborg (2016). "L1CAM expression in endometrial carcinomas: an ENITEC collaboration study." Br J Cancer 115(6): 716-724.


Yang, J. Y., H. M. Werner, J. Li, S. N. Westin, Y. Lu, M. K. Halle, J. Trovik, H. B. Salvesen, G. B. Mills and H. Liang (2016). "Integrative Protein-Based Prognostic Model for Early-Stage Endometrioid Endometrial Cancer." Clin Cancer Res 22(2): 513-523.