The Brain Metastasis Research Group
Research Grant

Received Research Funding in China

Professor Frits Thorsen and his research group at the ChiNor Research Laboratory has newly received a significant funding of 550 000 RMB over four years (equivalent to 200 000 NOK per year), from the China´s National Natural Science Foundation, for their ongoing research on exosome-derived miRNAs in brain metastases.

Frits Alan Thorsen (i midten) med professor og avdelingsleder ved nevrokirurgisk avdeling ved Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, Gang Li (til venstre). Til høyre er professor Jian Wang, som jobber femti prosent som professor ved Institutt for biomedisin, UiB og femti prosent som leder for ChiNor Research Laboratory, Qilu Hospital of Shandong University. Bildet er tatt i laboratoriet hvor Thorsen arbeider. Photo: Privat
Frits Thorsen; Jian Wang

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Read the full article here https://www.uib.no/en/node/139047