Centre for Nutrition at the European Nutrition Conference 2019
PhD-candidates and researchers from the Centre for Nutrition participated at the 13th edition of the European Nutrition Conference in Dublin from 15-18th October 2019.

Main content
The conference was hosted by FENS (Federation of European Nutrition Societies) and The Nutrition Society. The main theme of the conference was «Malnutrition in an Obese world: European Perspectives», a theme that is relevant for several of the research projects at the Centre for Nutrition.
The conference consisted of scientific sessions, oral communications, poster presentations, debates and a social program. CFN presented several posters:
- Anthea Van Parys: Association between choline intake and acute myocardial infarction
- Marte Almenning Trollebø: Determinants and consequences of undernutrition of hospitalized patients (MALNUTRA-study)
- Cathrine Horn: Dietary carbohydrate and internal body fat (CARBFUNC-study)
- Vegard Lysne: Dietary composition is associated with one-carbon metabolites and B-vitamin status
- Helene Dahl: Cystatin C proteoforms in patients with chronic kidney disease
- Helene Dahl: Nutritional status and polypharmacy in patients with chronic kidney disease
There was a wide variety of scientific sessions to choose from, from biochemistry to community related nutrition debates to sessions on how to communicate nutritional research to the media and the general public. The social program contributed to networking across borders, which creates possibilities for international cooperation and knowledge exchange.
The CFN group returned home with lots of new knowledge and inspiration for further nutrition research!
PS: Vegard has blogged about the conference and the different sessions he attended. Read more here: https://www.vegardlysne.no/blog/fens-liveblog/