
Michał gets prestigious prize

Every year the Meltzer foundation hands out prizes to young and exceptional researchers at the University of Bergen.

Michał Pilipczuk får pris for yngre forskarar sitt framifrå forskararbeid ved UiB.
Eivind Senneset

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Our own Michał Pilipczuk is one of  two young researchers to get this year's prize. He got his PhD at our university in 2013, and he holds two master's degrees, in mathematics and in informatics, from the University of Warsaw.


The committee says: What makes Michał's work exceptional is not the short time it took him to get his PhD degree (in two years, with teaching duties), but the depth and the diversity of his research. His contributions to research within theoretical computer science is equivalent to several PhD degrees. The number of exceptional results that he has contributed to is not outstanding only for a young researcher but it is exceptional even for internationally acknowledge professors in their most productive years. 


This is the second time that a young member of our group gets the Meltzer prize. Last time was in 2010, when Daniel Lokshtanov got the prize.