Primary hyperaldesteronism
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Primary hyperaldosteroism (PHA) is caused by autonom overproduction of aldosterone from one or both adrenals. It is the most common form of secondary hypertension, encompassing 5-12% of everyone with hypertension. Increased aldosteroninfluece results in higher cardiovascular, renal and metabolic risk than in patients with essential hypertension, but the risk is reduced with the appropiate medical or surgical treatment.
Since 2013, all newly diagnosed consenting patients with PHA, investigated and treated at Haukeland University Hospital have been included in a patient registry. In addition to clinical data, it also contains a research biobank with blood and urine samples from the time of diagnosis and follow up controls. 280 patients were registrered in the fall of 2018. This prospective study forms the foundation of the future research on PHA in Norway where the aim to evaluate long term outcomes of PHA, and use the biobank to further improve on todays diagnostics. The examination and follow up of PHA patients at Haukekand has been systematized and all patients receives the state of the art examinations and treatments.
This research project has shown that there is a large underdiagnosing of PHA in Western Norway, especially of the milder type, and after starting the project the rate of diagnosis has increased. It is equally important that the implementation of the projects main result will provide increased attention of PHA among general practicioners and specialists. Due to the underdiagnosing, most PHA patients will never be evaluated and is therefore denied treatment and possibly curation.