Using natural and cultural heritage in sustainable development
The UNESCO-conference with the title «Using natural and cultural heritage in sustainable development» is taking place at UiB 24th -26th of March. 150 delegates from a multitude of nations are participating.

Main content
Our Rector, Dag Rune Olsen, opened the conference Monday morning together with the Director General of UNESCO Irina Bokova and the President of the Norwegian National Commission of UNESCO Tora Aasland.
Tuesday 80 delegates participated on the excursion to the Heathland Center at Lygra, arriving in beautiful sunshine with the express boat from Bergen. Here, Peter Emil Kaland, Nils Georg Brekke and Inger Elisabeth Måren guided the delegates through the anthropogenic landscape of the heathlands. After the heathland walk, the Heathland Center served lunch based on local produce like smoked herring, sheep heads, turnip stew and flatbread.
About the UNESCO conference:
- Unesco Bergen 24.-26 March 2014
- Streaming of the conference
- FN-topp til UiB-konferanse (in Norwegian)
- UNESCO-direktør åpnet konferanse ved UiB (in Norwegian)