Bergen Epilepsy Research Group (BERG)
The SCAN-AED research team

Mika Gissler

Research Professor with faculty appointments at the National Institute for Health and Welfare, the University of Turku, Finland, the University of Oulu, Finland, and Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden. Main research focus has been in utilization of routinely collected health and welfare registers.

Main content

Research interests:

Perinatal and infant health, childhood and adolescent health, sexual and reproductive health, mental health, migrant health and use of health care services. Increasingly, the studies have included a longitudinal component, usually from the prenatal period until adulthood.


List of publications here

Selected publications:

1.       Gyllenberg D, Marttila M, Sund R, Jokiranta-Olkoniemi E, Sourander A, Gissler M, Ristikari T: Temporal Changes in the Incidence of Treated Psychiatric and Neurodevelopmental Disorders during Adolescence in two Birth Cohorts. The Lancet Psychiatry 5 (3): 227-236, 2018.

2.       Leinonen E, Gissler M, Haataja L, Rahkonen P, Andersson S, Metsäranta M, Rahkonen L: Low Apgar scores at both one and five minute associate with long-term neurological morbidity. Acta Paediatrica 107 (6): 942-951, 2018.

3.       Hällgren J, Ösby, U, Westman J, Gissler M: Mortality trends in external causes of death in people with mental health disorder Sweden, 1987-2010. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2018: Feb 1:1403494818758912.

4.       Troisi R, Bjørge T, Gissler M, Grotmol T, Kitahara C, Myrtveit Sæther SM, Ording A, Sköld C, Sørensen H, Trabert B, Glimelius I: The Role of Pregnancy, Perinatal Factors, and Hormones in Maternal Cancer Risk: A review of the evidence. Journal of Internal Medicine 283 (5): 430-445, 2018.

5.       Simoila L, Isometsä E, Gissler M, Suvisaari J, Halmesmäki E, Lindberg N: Obstetric and perinatal health outcomes related to schizophrenia: a national register-based follow-up study among Finnish women born between 1965 and 1980 and their offspring. European Psychiatry 52:68-75, 2018.

6.       Kemppainen M, Lahesmaa-Korpinen A-M, Kauppi P, Virtanen M, Virtanen S, Karikoski R, Gissler M, Kirjavainen T: Maternal asthma is associated with increased risk of perinatal mortality. PLoS One PLoS ONE 13(5): e0197593, 2018.

7.       Kong L, Norstedt G, Schalling M, Gissler M, Lavebratt C: The Risk of Offspring Psychiatric Disorders in the Setting of Maternal Obesity and Diabetes. Pediatrics 2018, 142(3). pii: e20180776.

8.       Smith L, Hindori-Mohangoo A, Delnord M, Durox M, Szamotulska K, Macfarlane A, Alexander S, Barros H, Gissler M, Blondel B, Zeitlin J for the Euro-Peristat Scientific Committee: Quantifying the burden of stillbirths before 28 weeks of completed gestational age in high income countries: a population based study of 19 European countries. The Lancet 2018, Nov 3;392(10158):1639-1646.

9.       Riihimäki O, Tikkanen M, Melin J, Andersson S, Metsäranta M, Nuutila M, Gissler M, Paavonen J, Pukkala E: Subsequent risk of cancer among women with a history of placental abruption. Acta Oncologia 2018,. Sep 28:1-5.

10.   Nurmi M, Rautava P, Gissler M, Vahlberg T, Polo-Kantola P: Recurrence patterns of hyperemesis gravidarum. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 2018, in press. Nov;219(5):469.e1-469.e10.

11.   Bateman B, Heide-Jørgensen U, Einarsdóttir K, Engeland A, Furu K, Gissler M, Hernandez-Diaz S, Kieler H, Lahesmaa-Korpinen A-M, Mogun H, Nørgaard M, Reutfors J, Selmer R, Huybrechts K, Zoega H: Beta-blocker use in pregnancy and the risk of congenital malformations: An international cohort study. Annals of Internal Medicine 169 (10): 665-673, 2018.

12.   Regan A, Gissler M, Magnus M, Håberg S, Ball S, Malacova E, Nassar N, Leonard H, Pereira G: Adverse birth outcomes associated with interpregnancy interval among women with a previous stillbirth: an international cohort study. The Lancet 2019, doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(18)32266-9.

13.   Gyllenberg FK, Saloranta TH, But A, Gissler M, Heikinheimo O: Induced Abortion in a Population Entitled to Free-of-Charge Long-Acting Reversible Contraception. Obstetrics & Gynecology 132 (6): 1453-1460, 2018.

14.   Heino A, Gissler M, Malin M, Väisänen H: Induced abortions by woman's country of origin in Finland 2001-2014. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2018, in press. doi: 10.1177/1403494818812640. [

15.   Roustaei Z, Räisänen S, Gissler M, Heinonen S: Fertility rates and the postponement of first births: a descriptive study with Finnish population data. BMJ Open 2019: 9:bmjopen-2018-026336. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-026336.

16.   Hautala J, Gissler M, Ritvanen A, Tekay A, Pitkänen-Argillander O, Stefanovic V, Sarkola T, Helle E, Pihkala J, Pätilä T, Mattila I, Jokinen E, Räsänen J, Ojala T: The implementation of a nationwide anomaly screening programme improves prenatal detection of major cardiac defects: an 11-year national population-based cohort study. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2019, in press. doi: 10.1111/1471-0528.15589.

17.   Kong L, Nilsson I, Gissler M, Lavebratt C: Associations of maternal diabetes and body mass index with offspring birth weight and prematurity. JAMA Pediatrics 2019:. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2018.5541.

18.   Rodriguez A, Wang Y, Ali Khan A, Cartwright R, Gissler M, Järvelin M-R: Antenatal corticosteroid therapy (ACT) and size at birth: A population-based analysis using the Finnish Medical Birth Register. PLoS Med 16(2): e1002746. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1002746.