Participate in a research cruise
Open call for students to participate in physical oceanography fieldwork
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The physical oceanography research group is engaged in various projects with observational, sea-going activity. We try to accommodate one or two Master’s level students in our cruises. It is highly encouraged that you participate in fieldwork and get hands on experience of life and data collection at sea.
Ideally, you are a final year student at the Bachelor's Programme in Climate, Atmosphere and Ocean Physics, with intentions of starting the Master’s Programme in Meteorology and Oceanography, with specialization in physical oceanography (or in climate dynamics with physical oceanography focus). In this case, when participation is early enough, data from the fieldwork can be used to build your Master’s project on the data set YOU collected. Because the data processing and preparation for analysis can take up to one year (especially of data from moored instruments), an early start is crucial. Alternatively, you are a first year student at the Master’s Programme and would like to join a research cruise for the experience, and do not rely on the data set collected to fulfill your master’s study.
In our web pages you can read about the research projects and identify the professors. In addition to the ongoing research project overview, you will also find a link to typical master’s projects offered by members of our group. Note, however, that the web pages are not updated frequently.
Practically, the project leader should have resources to cover your travel expenses. The food and accommodation on board is covered by the University. You are required to obtain a Seaman’s certificate of health. Normally, the project leader is not under obligation to pay salary to students participating in the field work.