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"Political measures and individual choices of climate friendly behavior"

Professor Dag Elgesem, member of the CLIMLIFE project group, held a presentation at the yearly DIGSSCORE seminar, 24th June 2022.

Dag Elgesem
Dag Elgesem
Dag Elgesem

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24th June 2022, professor Dag Elgesem, member of the CLIMLIFE project group, held a presentation on "Political measures and individual choices of climate friendly behavior" at the yearly DIGSSCORE seminar. The presentation was based on research undertaken in collaboration with Kjersti Fløttum, based on data from the Norwegian Citizen Panel (Norsk medborgerpanel) and the Panel of Elected Representatives, with the following overarching research question: “To what extent do Norwegian politicians and citizens agree on the need for policies that enable citizens to behave more climate friendly?”