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Header: People in the Citizen Lab

The Digital Social Science Core Facility (DIGSSCORE) is an infrastructure for advanced social science data collection and multi-disciplinary research. DIGSSCORE takes advantage of changes in technology and research methodology, and is an infrastructure with three population panels: The Norwegian Citizen Panel, the Norwegian Panel of Elected Representatives and the Norwegian Panel of Public Administrators. Onsite we also have a research lab for laboratory experiments, the Citizen Lab.

To learn more about our data, conditions of use and citing of the data, read more about the different panels.

Are you a student at UiB interested in writing your thesis using DIGSSCORE data? Read more here.

Picture of people celebrtaing. Erik Sandquist and Elisabeth Ivarsflaten in the front.

Coordinated Online Panels for Research on Democracy and Governance in Norway (KODEM)

KODEM receives infrastructure funding from the Norwegian Research Council - a happy day for research on democracy. Department of Government and other participants in the application process celebrated the funding. This will create opportunities for new and good research.
Vacant position
Illustrasjon av institutt for politikk og forvaltning.

Vacant position as a researcher at the Department of Government

There is a vacant position as a temporary researcher (100%) at European Social Survey (ESS).

Kvinne peker på noe vi ikke ser. Bak henne ser vi ulike grafer og mennesker på en konferanse.

10 years of measuring trust in politicians and political attitudes in Norway

Having authoritative data created by independent researchers, who have focused solely on quality, and have no commercial interests, will only become more important in the future, says professor and Academic Director of the Norwegian Citizen Panel at UiB, Elisabeth Ivarsflaten.

explore data


The DIGSSCORE facility is used for many research publications. This bibliography includes publications based on data from the DIGSSCORE facility from 2014 onward.
Norwegian citizen panel
Picture of the Citizen Panel at Arendalsuka

Proposals to the Norwegian Citizen Panel

The Norwegian Citizen Panel welcomes proposals from all fields of research, for survey experiments or survey items. Applications can be sent to the "new ideas"-grant.