List of selected publications from members of the Bergen Logic Group.
Main content
- Martin, B. & Hjortland, O.T. (2022). Anti-exceptionalism about logic as tradition rejection. Synthese. doi: 10.1007/s11229-022-03653-7.
- Martin, B. (2022). Anti-Exceptionalism about Logic and the Burden of Explanation. Canadian Journal of Philosophy. doi: 10.1017/can.2022.14.
- Martin, B. (2022). The philosophy of logical practice. Metaphilosophy. 53(2–3): 267–283. doi: 10.1111/meta.12552.
- Fjellstad, A. (2022). Expressing logical disagreement from within. Synthese. doi: 10.1007/s11229-022-03667-1.
- Huvenes, T.T. (2022). Individuation by agreement and disagreement. Inquiry. doi: 10.1080/0020174X.2022.2051203.
- Commandeur, L. (2022). Against telic monism in logic. Synthese. doi: 10.1007/s11229-022-03497-1.
- Øgaard, T.F. (2021). Confused entailment. Topoi. doi: 10.1007/s11245-021-09758-x.
- Erickson, E. F. (2021) On the metaphysics of (epistemological) logical anti-exceptionalism. Principia. 25(1): 59–71. doi: 10.5007/1808-1711.2021.e80109.
- Øgaard, T.F. (2021). From Hilbert Proofs to Consecutions and Back. Australasian Journal of Logic. 18(2): 51–72. doi: 10.26686/ajl.v18i2.6770.
- Øgaard, T.F. (2021). Non-Boolean Classical Relevant Logics II: Classicality through truth-constants. Synthese. doi: 10.1007/s11229-021-03065-z.
- Antonsen, P. (2020). Self-Location in Interactive Fiction. The British Journal of Aesthetics. doi: 10.1093/aesthj/ayaa037.
- Erickson, E. (2020). Anti-Excepcionalismo e a Metodologia da Lógica. Perspectiva Filosófica, 47(2), 502–528.
- Martin, B. (2020). Introduction to the Book. In Introduction to Philosophy: Logic. (pp. 8–10).
- Martin, B. (Ed.). (2020). Introduction to Philosophy: Logic. Rebus.
- Martin, B. & Hjortland, O. (2020). Logical Predictivism. Journal of Philosophical Logic. doi: 10.1007/s10992-020-09566-5. Impact: Google scholar
- Øgaard, T. F. (2020). Farewell to Suppression-Freedom. Logica Universalis, 14(3), 297–330. doi: 10.1007/s11787-020-00255-0.
- Øgaard, T. F. (2020). Boolean negation and non-conservativity I: Relevant modal logics. Logic Journal of the IGPL, doi: 10.1093/jigpal/jzaa019. Impact: Google scholar.
- Øgaard, T. F. (2020). Boolean negation and non-conservativity II: The variable-sharing property. Logic Journal of the IGPL, doi: 10.1093/jigpal/jzaa020. Impact: Google scholar.
- Øgaard, T. F. (2020). Boolean negation and non-conservativity III: the Ackermann constant. Logic Journal of the IGPL, doi: 10.1093/jigpal/jzaa021. Impact: Google scholar.
- Fjellstad, A. (2020). Logical Nihilism and the Logic of ‘prem’. Logic and Logical Philosophy. doi: 10.12775/LLP.2020.023. Impact: Google scholar.
- Fjellstad, A. (2020). Structural proof theory for first-order weak Kleene logics. Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics. doi: 10.1080/11663081.2020.1782593. Impact: Google scholar.
- Martin, B. (2020). Identifying Logical Evidence. Synthese. doi: 10.1007/s11229-020-02618-y. Impact: Google scholar.
- Øgaard, T. F. (2019). Non-Boolean Classical Relevant Logics I. Synthese. doi: 10.1007/s11229-019-02507-z. Impact: Google scholar
- Hjortland, O. T. (2019). Anti-Exceptionalism about Logic: Introduction. Australasian Journal of Logic, 16(7), 186. doi: 10.26686/ajl.v16i7.5913.
- Antonsen, P. (2019). Logical truth. Australasian Journal of Logic, 16(7), 187–201. doi: 10.26686/ajl.v16i7.5914.
- Hjortland, O. T. (2019). What Counts as Evidence for a Logical Theory. Australasian Journal of Logic, 16(7), 250–282. doi: 10.26686/ajl.v16i7.5912. Impact: Google scholar.
- Fjellstad, A. (2019). Herzberger’s Limit Rule with Labelled Sequent Calculus. Studia Logica, 108(4), 815–855 doi: 10.1007/s11225-019-09878-x.
- Fjellstad, A. (2019). A note on the cut-elimination proof in "Truth without contra(di)ction". The Review of Symbolic Logic. doi: 10.1017/S1755020319000571. Impact: Google scholar
- Antonsen, P. (2019). Fictional reports. Synthese. doi: 10.1007/s11229-019-02427-y.
- Øgaard, T. F. (2019) Substitution in Relevant Logics. The Review of Symbolic Logic. 13(3), 655–680. doi: 10.1017/S1755020319000467. Impact: Google scholar
- Hjortland, O. T. (2019) Disagreement about logic. Inquiry. doi: 10.1080/0020174X.2019.1651084. Impact: Google scholar.
- Kolflaath, E. (2019). Relative plausibility and a prescriptive theory of evidence assessment. The International Journal of Evidence & Proof, 23(1–2), 1–7. doi: 10.1177/1365712718815013. Impact: Google scholar.
- Martin, B. (2019). Searching for Deep Disagreement in Logic: The Case of Dialetheism. Topoi, 1–12. doi: 10.1007/s11245-019-09639-4. Impact: Google scholar
- Evelyn, E. (2018). Realismo lógico e a metafísica da lógica (translation). Perspectiva Filosófic, 45(1), 122–140.
- Antonsen, P. (2018). Scorekeeping. Analysis, 78(4), 589–595. doi: 10.1093/analys/anx145.
- Fjellstad, A. (2018). Infinitary Contraction‐Free Revenge. Thought: A Journal of Philosophy, 7(3), 179–189. doi: 10.1002/tht3.382. Impact: Google scholar.
- Hjortland, O., & Standefer, S. (2018). Inferentialism, structure, and conservativeness. In From Rules to Meanings: New Essays on Inferentialism (pp. 115–140). doi: 10.4324/9781315103587-6. Impact: Google scholar.
- Martin, B. (2018). In defence of dialetheism: a reply to Beziau and Tkaczyk. Logic and Logical Philosophy, 27(2), 205–233. doi: 10.12775/LLP.2017.030. Impact: Google scholar.
- Martin, B. (2018). What is a Contradiction?. In Handbook of the 6th World Congress and School on Universal Logic (pp. 203–304).
- Martin, B. (2018). Identifying Logical Evidence. In Handbook of the 6th World Congress and School on Universal Logic (pp. 254–256).
- Field, H., Lederman, H., & Øgaard, T. F. (2017). Prospects for a naive theory of classes. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 58(4), 461–506. doi: 10.1215/00294527-2017-0010. Impact: Google scholar.
- Fjellstad, A. (2017). Non-classical Elegance for Sequent Calculus Enthusiasts. Studia Logica, 105(1), 93–119. doi: 10.1007/s11225-016-9683-y. Impact: Google scholar.
- Hjortland, O. T. (2017). Anti-exceptionalism about logic. Philosophical Studies, 174(3), 631–658. doi: 10.1007/s11098-016-0701-8. Impact: Google scholar.
- Øgaard, T. F. (2017). Skolem functions in non-classical logics. Australasian Journal of Logic, 14(1), 181–225. doi: 10.26686/ajl.v14i1.4031. Impact: Google scholar.
- Fjellstad, A. (2016). Omega-inconsistency without cuts and nonstandard models. Australasian Journal of Logic, 13(5), 96–122. doi: 10.26686/ajl.v13i5.3900. Impact: Google scholar.
- Fjellstad, A. (2016). Naive Modus Ponens and Failure of Transitivity. Journal of Philosophical Logic, 45(1), 65–72. doi: 10.1007/s10992-015-9351-0. Impact: Google scholar.
- Kolflaath, E. (2016). Fortellinger og plausibilitet: Et svar til Frode Helmich Pedersen. Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap, 129(4), 450–461. Impact: Google scholar.
- Martin, B. (2016). Rejectivism and the Challenge of Pragmatic Contradictions. Disputatio, 8(43), 253–267. doi: 10.2478/disp-2016-0015. Impact: Google scholar
- Roy, O., & Hjortland, O. T. (2016). Dynamic consequence for soft information. Journal of Logic and Computation, 26(6), 1843–1864. doi: 10.1093/logcom/exu040. Impact: Google scholar.
- Øgaard, T. F. (2016). Paths to triviality. Journal of Philosophical Logic, 45(3), 237–276. doi: 10.1007/s10992-015-9374-6. Impact: Google scholar.
- Caret, C. R., & Hjortland, O. T. (Eds.). (2015). Foundations of logical consequence. OUP Oxford. doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198715696.001.0001. Impact: Google scholar
- Fjellstad, A. (2015). How a semantics for tonk should be. Review of Symbolic Logic 8(3), 488–505. doi: 10.1017/S1755020314000513. Impact: Google scholar.
- Kolflaath, E. (2015). En metode for bevisbedømmelsen i straffesaker. In Aarli, R., Hedlund, M.-A. & Jebens, S.E. (red.): Bevis I straffesaker: Utvalgte emner. Oslo: Gyldendal, 507–534.
- Martin, B. (2015). Dialetheism and the Impossibility of the World. Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 93(1), 61–75. doi: 10.1080/00048402.2014.956768. Impact: Google scholar.
- Hjortland, O. T. (2014). Speech acts, categoricity, and the meanings of logical connectives. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 55(4),445–467. doi: 10.1215/00294527-2798700. Impact: Google scholar.
- Hjortland, O. T. (2014). Verbal disputes in logic: Against minimalism for logical connectives. Logique et Analyse, 227, 463–486. doi: 10.2143/LEA.227.0.3053514. Impact: Google scholar.
- Kolflaath, E. (2014). Helheter og deler i bevisbedømmelsen. I Andersson, S. og Lainpelto, K. (red.): Festskrift til Christian Diesen. Stockholm: Norstedts Juridik, 405–426.
- Hjortland, O. T. (2013). Logical pluralism, meaning-variance, and verbal disputes. Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 91(2), 355–373. doi: 10.1080/00048402.2011.648945. Impact: Google scholar.
- Kolflaath, E. (2013). Bevisbedømmelse i praksis. Fagbokforlaget. Impact: Google scholar.
- Kolflaath, E. (2013). Bevis for modus operandi, og modus operandi som bevis. I Høgberg, A.P., Schea, T.E. og Torgersen, R. (red.): Rettssikker radikaler. Festskrift til Ståle Eskeland, 70 år. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk, 149–170.
- Øgaard, T. F. (2013). Dialetheic Paths to Triviality. In Handbook of the 4th World Congress and School on Universal Logic, (pp.167–168).
- Kolflaath, E. (2011). Bevist utover enhver rimelig tvil. Tidsskrift for rettsvitenskap, 124(02), 135–196. Impact: Google scholar.
- Kolflaath, E. (2011). Bevisteoretiske perspektiver. I Aarli, R., DNA-bevis. Rettssikkerhet ved bruk av DNA-sakkyndighet i kampen mot kriminalitet. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk, 132–160.
- Kolflaath, E. (2010). Holdbarhet og relevans. I Lavik, T. & Nyvold, H. (red.): Dannelse i kontekst? ELE-tradisjonen i endring. Bergen: Institutt for filosofi og førstesemesterstudier, Universitetet i Bergen, 94–111.
- Kolflaath, E. (2008). Sannsynlighetsovervekt og kumulering av tvil. Lov og Rett, 47(03), 149–165. Impact: Google Scholar.
- Kolflaath, E. (2007). Bevisbedømmelse som slutning til beste forklaring. Tidsskrift for rettsvitenskap, 120(01–02), 171–219. Impact: Google scholar.
- Kolflaath, E. (2004). Språk og argumentasjon: med eksempler fra juss. Fagbokforlaget. Impact: Google scholar.
- Kolflaath, E. (2004). Bevisbedømmelse – sannsynlighet eller fortellinger? Jussens Venner, 39(5-6), 279–304. Impact: Google scholar.