
News archive for Meteorology

Over the last half-century, high performance computing has proved itself as essential a tool for the earth sciences as the weather balloon and the rock hammer.
Outhreach is becoming an increasingly important yardstick for the relevance of scientific research.
For the first time, an obligatory student seminar for the course Mesoscale Dynamics was held in one of the UiB cabins in Ustaoset on the Hardangervidda.
Pursuing its task for the exploitation of offshore wind energy as a natural sustainable energy source, NORCOWE bought two systems for measuring turbulence in the atmospheric boundary layer.
Can weather forecasts be used to predict diseases such as malaria? UiB researchers cooperate with Ethiopian institutions in an attempt to find out.
The ice cover in the Arctic has decreased dramatically in recent years. Norwegian researchers have discovered that changes in air circulation patterns create winds that push away the ice.
