Annual Bergen Philosophy of Science Workshop
Main content
Sam Schindler (Aarhus): Two types of discovery: Nobel meets Kuhn
Elena Popa (Krakow, Jagiellonian Univ.): Causality, Evidence, and Local Psychiatric Knowledge: A Case for Pluralism
Rose Trappes (Exeter): Behaviour as Disposition or Interaction
Veli Pekka Parkkinen (Bergen): Unique identifiability assumptions in methods and philosophy of causal enquiry.
Daniel Kostic (Leiden): Pragmatics for Explainable AI
Cyrille Imbert (Univ. Lorraine): The Cognitive and Social Process of Computing Pseudo-Random Numbers for Scientific Applications: Ingredients for a Reliability Crisis
Lorenzo Casini (Lucca/LMU): High-level Causation and Causal Inference (w/ A. Moneta)
- Henrik Røed Sherling (Cambridge) & Benjamin Chin-Yee (Cambridge): Clinical Communication: A Model for Scientific Assertion?
- Benedetta Spigola (Lisbon): What is it like to be a conservation law? Between laws and principles
- Johannes Nyström (Stockholm): Predictive success and theoretical stability: on the soundness of the two-variable no-miracles argument
- Aditya Jha (Cambridge): On the Continuum Fallacy: Is Temperature a Continuous Function?
- Andrei Marasoiu (Bucharest): Representation and design in network models of category deficits
- Chris Smeenk (Univ. of Western Ontario): Fuzzy Modularity and Crucial Simulations (Joint work with Marie Gueguen, Rennes)
- Nic Fillion (Simon Fraser Univ.): The argument view of computer simulations done right
- Ana-Maria Cretu (Bristol Univ.): Human Computers as Instruments
- Elay Shech (Auburn Univ.): Are Mesoscale Structures Natural Kinds? Reconsidering Batterman’s Middle Way
- Vincent Ardourel (IHPST Paris): The reduction of hydrodynamics and singular limits
- Siska de Baerdemaeker (Stockholm Univ.): Into the Unknown. Exploring Dark Matter with Stellar Streams
- Alex Franklin (King's College London): Incoherent? No, Just Decoherent. How Quantum Many Worlds Emerge
- Samir Okasha (Bristol): Is there a Bayesian justification of hypothetico-deductive inference? (Joint work with Karim Thebault, Bristol)
- Jessica Wilson (Toronto): In Defense of Countabilism (Joint work with David Builes, Princeton)
- Alastair Wilson (Birmingham): Theoretical Relicts: Progress, Reduction, and Autonomy (Joint work with Katie Robertson, Birmingham)
- Chris Pincock (Ohio State Univ.): Defending Selective Scientific Realism
- Roman Frigg (LSE): Modelling Nature: the DEKI Account (Talk based on joint work with James Nguyen, LSE)
- Dana Jalobeanu (Bucharest): Baconianism and Newtonianism: a history (and philosophy) of shifting historiographic categories
- Jo Wolff (Edinburgh): Making concepts measurable
- Richard Dawid (Stockholm): How postmodern is cosmic inflation? (Based on joint work with Casey McCoy, Yonsei Univ.)
- Karim Thebault (Bristol): Poincaré, Dark Energy, and the Deadly Robots of Krikkit (Based on work with Sean Gryb, Groningen)
- Karen Crowther (Oslo): The Role of Singularities in the Search for Quantum Gravity (Joint work with Sebastian De Haro, Amsterdam)
- Denis Walsh (Toronto): The Developmental Imperative
- James Ladyman (Bristol): What if anything is fundamental about physics?
- Patricia Palacios (Salzburg): Intertheoretic Reduction in Physics Beyond the Nagelian Model
- Axel Gelfert (Berlin): Explanation and Exploration in the Science of Pattern Formation
- Laura Franklin-Hall (NYU): Why are some kinds historical and others not?
- P. Kyle Stanford (UC Irvine): A Difference that Makes a Difference: Howard Stein on Realism, Instrumentalism, and Intellectually Nourishing Snacks
- Kirsten Walsh (Nottingham): Inventing Units of Measurement: Causal Reasoning in Newton's Optics
- Dirk Schlimm (McGill): Towards a cognitive and pragmatic account of notations for propositional logic
- Mark Colyvan (University of Sydney and the Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich): Analogical Reasoning via Mathematical Models
- Adrian Curie (Cambridge): How are moa like sheep? Pursuit and value in science
- Julie Zahle (Bergen): Data, Epistemic Values, and Multiple Methods in Case Study Research
- Alan Baker (Swarthmore): Mapping Mathematics to the World
- Stathis Psillos (Univ. of Athens): Laws and Powers in the Frame of Nature
- Alexander Bird (Univ. of Bristol): Is there meta-scientific knowledge? Against both the no-miracles argument and the pessimistic induction
- Gordon Belot (Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor): Gravity and GRACE: Does Underdetermination Undermine Objectivity?
- Laura Ruetsche (Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor): Renormalization Group Realism: An Unduly Skeptical Review
- Michael Baumgartner (Univ. of Geneva / Univ. of Bergen): Boolean difference-making: A modern regularity theory of causation
- Eleanor Knox (King's College London): Spacetime Functionalism
- Carl Hoefer (ICREA / Barcelona): Current Great Theory Realism
- Stephanie Ruphy (Grenoble): Pluralist challenges to a science-based metaphysics
- Jamie Tappenden (U. Michigan, Ann Arbor): Frege, Carl Snell and Romanticism; Fruitful Concepts and the 'Organic/Mechanical' Distinction
- Sam Schindler (Aarhus): Prediction and testability
- James Conant (Chicago): Thomas Kuhn on Problems and Puzzles
- Mark Steiner (Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem): The Silent Revolution of Wittgenstein in the Philosophy of Mathematics, 1937
- Catherine Wilson (York Univ. UK): The 'Hard Problem' of Consciousness: Scientific Explanation and Philosophical Ineffability
- Juha Saatsi (Leeds Univ.): Emergence and Explanation
- Mary Leng (York Univ.): Mathematical Realism and Naturalism
- Anjan Chakravartty (Notre Dame Univ.): Property Ontology in Fundamental Physics
- Øystein Linnebo (Univ. of Oslo): Mathematics and Inference to the Best Explanation
- Robert Batterman (Pittsburgh): Minimal Model Explanations
- Michael Moreau (Tromsø): Mr. Fit, Mr. Simplicity and Mr. Scope: from Social Choice to Theory Choice in Science
- Dennis Dieks (Utrecht): Emergence, Reduction, Underdetermination and Explanation in Recent Quantum Gravity Research
- Mauricio Suarez (London / Madrid): Propensities, Chances, and Experimental Statistics
- Mark Sprevak (Edinburgh): Fictionalism about Neural Representations
- Anouk Barberousse (Lille / Paris): Bayesian Methods in Climate Modeling
- Margaret Morrison (Univ. of Toronto): Inconsistent Models: Problems and Perspectives
- Wendy Parker (Durham Univ., UK): Simulation, Measurement & the Construction of Global Climate Datasets
- Michal Walicki (Univ. of Bergen, Institute of Informatics): The holism of truth and paradox (joint work with Sjur Dyrkolbotn)
- Alexander Paseau (Oxford Univ.): Knowledge of Mathematics Without Proof
- Rani L. Anjum (Norwegian Univ. of Life Sciences UMB) and Stephen Mumford (Durham): Causation, Powers and Probability (joint work)
- Colin Howson (LSE / Toronto): The Importance of Being Bayesian