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About Visualization
The UiB Visualization Group focuses on researching and teaching of new solutions for the efficient and effective visualization of large and complex datasets from
- measurements (e.g., from medical imaging modalities or from seismic/sonar sensors),
- computational simulation (e.g., based on computational fluid dynamics), or from
- analytic modeling (e.g., in the form of difference or differential equations)
for the purpose of data exploration, analysis, and presentation.
We employ advanced computer graphics, 3D rendering, and modern graphics hardware to achieve cutting-edge visualization for improved insight into data, leading to knowledge crystallization and improved decision making.
Prof. Dr. Helwig Hauser,
Visualization Group Bergen, Helwig.Hauser (at) UiB.no; Tel.: +47 - 55 58 43 80,
Room 3134, etasje 3, data blokk, Høyteknologisenteret, Thormøhlensgate 55, Bergen, Norway (visiting address)
Department of Informatics, University of Bergen, Postboks 7803, N-5020 Bergen, Norway (postal address).