Centre for Elderly and Nursing Home Medicine (SEFAS)
International cooperation

User involvement is the future

- We train our doctors to ask the patient what matters to them

Leiden 2

Janne B. Bøe

Main content

This statement comes from Professor of Old Age medicine ved Department of public health and primary care, Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), Wilco Achterberg. During his visit at SEFAS last week, he commented on the international development of elderly care and elderly medicine, where patiens' voices matters more and more in their medical treatment.

- We do not always look at the guidelines anymore, as the guidelines are the viewpoints of the professionals. We try to translate those guidelines to what is really important for the patients.

Also at SEFAS user involvement is highly relevant. Our new project LIVE@Home.Path, financed by the Reserach Council of Norway, has employed a user, Rune Samdal, and our steering committee has representatives from different user organisations.

Head of SEFAS, Bettina Husebø, agrees with Achterbergs views that in both research and traning of health personell the focus needs to be on what matters to the patient.

- Our goal is that the patient should have the best possible quality of life.