
Centre for Elderly and Nursing Home Medicine (SEFAS)

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Collage of elderly people living in senior communities or at home.

In 2012, SEFAS – the country's first centre for elderly and nursing home medicine – was established by UiB, in collaboration with the GC Rieber Foundations. The centre's overall goal is to be a leader in research and teaching in nursing home medicine and in home-based treatment, as well as the implementation of research-based knowledge in the municipal health and care services. The centre has local, national and international partners. Head of the centre is Professor Bettina Husebø.

We are part of Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care at Faculty of Medicine, and we are frequently publishing the latest results from our research and commenting in different media. 

Elderly lady with a tablet and headphones.

The CC.AGE centre

The Trond Mohn Research Foundation and the University of Bergen generously provided financial support to SEFAS to establish the Centre for Complex Conditions and Ageing (CC.AGE). Here, we investigate the use of novel technology and high-quality care to improve the lives of older persons with complex...

News | Erc Grant
Bettina Husebø

Professor Bettina Husebø will investigate how technology can be used to predict death

With economic support from the European Research Council (ERC), professor Bettina Husebø at UiB will investigate how assistive technology can be used to recognize symptoms among people with dementia who are near the end of life.

3 pictures of a room at Olaviken, with increasingly orange filter on.

The DARK-DEM study

A randomized controlled trial to test if virtual darkness can alleviate agitation in people with dementia.

Fitbit Sense, Oura Ring, and Empatica E4

Measuring the advantages of an active life

The project “ActiveAgeing” will rely on smart technologies and interviews to find out how we can have a better and safer ageing. The project started with a first data collection in Winter 2021 and will begin the second one in Autumn 2022.

Four elderly people in a nursing home talking, laughing and drinking cooffee, all have smartwatches.

Activities and symptom changes in persons with dementia - the DIPH.DEM-study

New study will improve the lives of people with dementia. Are you interested in participating in our research?