Karen Christensen editor of new handbook
Professor Karen Christensen has been invited to edit the 'Handbook on Care Work Around the World' to be published in 2017.
Main content
Professor Karen Christensen has been commissioned by the publisher, Ashgate, to edit the Ashgate Research Companion to Care Work Around the World. She will do this in collaboration with a colleague from City University London, Doria Pilling. The book will consist of 22 chapters from scholars around the world, who will contribute a chapter on their particular speciality in care work research, and an Introduction by the editors.
The aim of the book is to provide a comprehensive and authoritative state-of-the art review of current research on care work around the world. It will focus on work carried out for people needing some help because of the ageing process or disability. It will also focus on paid care work, work that is someone’s occupation. But paid care work can involve unpaid parts, the ‘occupation’ may not be very formal when taking place in a very private/informal/unregulated setting; and there can be an interplay between formal paid care work and informal unpaid care. These aspects of care work will be included in the book. The book will be confined to care work for adults. It will not include care work for children as, considering the wide range of countries to be included in the book, this would make it too diverse.
Perspectives and topic areas
The book will include perspectives of care work from the macro level (the structural conditions for long-term care, including demographic challenges and long-term care policies), the meso level (the level of provider organizations and intermediaries) and the micro level (views of care workers, as well as their managers, care users, and unpaid informal carers). It will include central topics in current care work research, including marketization and personalization policies, and their implementation under conditions of austerity, methods of provision of care work services and how they are paid for, workforce provision, and relating to this the situation of migrant care workers, and care worker-care user relationships.
Contributors and countries
Nordic Countries
Denmark – Tine Rostgaard, Aalborg University, Copenhagen
Norway – Kari Wærness and Karen Christensen, University of Bergen
Sweden – Tine Rostgaard and Anneli Stranz, Stockholm University
Northern and Western Europe
Austria – August Österle, Vienna University of Economics and Business
England – Kate Baxter, University of York. Shereen Hussein, King’s College London
France – Blanche le Bihan, French School of Public Health (EHESP)
Germany – Hildegard Theobold, University of Vechta
Italy – Mirko Di Rosa, Francesco Barbabella, Arianna Poli, Sara Santini, and Giovanni. Lamura, ItalianNational Research Centre on Ageing (INRCA)
The Netherlands – Barbara da Roit, University Amsterdam
Eastern Europe
Czech Republic – Kateřina Kubalčíková, Masaryk University
Poland–Stanisława Golinowska and Agnieszka Sowa, Center for Social and Economic Research (CASE)
China– Heying Jenny Zhan, Georgia State University, US, Xiying Fan, Shaanxi Normal University, China and Qi Wang, Georgia State University, US
South Korea – Yongho Chon, Incheon National University
Taiwan – Li-Fang Liang, National Yang-Ming University
Turkey – Sema Oğlak, İstanbul Gelisim University
Japan – Yayoi Saito, Osaka University, Nobu Ishiguro, Osaka University
North America
Canada – Pat Armstrong and Tamara Daly, York University, Toronto
United States of America – Candace Howes, Connecticut College
Latin America
Argentina – Nélida Redondo, ISALUD University, Buenos Aires
Australia – Jane Mears, University of Western Sydney