Career for PhD candidates
Career after PhD
After completing the PhD degree, the graduates of the Faculty of Social Sciences find many different and interesting career paths.

Fotograph is named under each profile picture in the norwegian web page.
Main content
Planning your career after PhD is an activity you should benefit from throughout the 3-4 years you are doing your PhD. Depending on what direction you are planning to take, there may be different wise approaches. In terms of the work/research areas involved, do consider:
- select elements of the thesis to develop and rewrite for publication
- select elements of the thesis for conference presentation
- participate actively in the relevant research community
- present parts of the work regularly and in different forums (academic and non-academic)
- establish contact with future, potential employers
- update your CV continuously
- attend to relevant courses and seminars for academic, personal and professional development (also activities with no ECTS can be wise to document)
- participate in career days and offers in career development
If you are planning a career outside of academia, it may be a challenge to communicate your skills. To discover and "translate" your transferable skills may be a very useful task. You may also benefit from reading the career choices of former candidates (only in norwegian).