Faculty of Social Sciences

Leave of absence

A leave of absence from you studies must be registered in your individual education plan. You can apply to the Faculty of Social Sciences for a personal or a documented leave of absence.

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Personal Leave of Absence

If you are a student enrolled in a bachelor programme or in one of the first three years of study in a professional degree, you have the right to take a personal leave of absence from your studies for one or two semesters.

    When you are on an leave of absence, you do not pay the semester fee or update your individual education plan. You will not be able to take any exams. You cannot apply for a personal leave of absence for less than one semester.

    Who are not eligible for personal leave of absence?

    If you are a student enrolled in a one-year programme or a master's programme, you cannot apply for a personal leave of absence, but you can apply for a documented leave of absence for medical or parental reasons, as well as other extenuating circumstances (see information below).

    If you are a visiting student, an exchange student from a foreign university or an external canditate, you do not have the right to a leave of absence from your studies.

    Documented Leave of Absence

    You can apply to the Faculty of Social Sciences for a documented leave of absence. You must hand in documentation with your application, and fullfil the requirements for a documented leave of absence in accord with the University of Bergen’s Academic Regulations § 4.7 (4):

    • Extenuating circumstances
    • Mandatory conscription
    • Full-time positions in student organizations or the like
    • Maternity or paternity leave

    There is no deadline for a documented leave of absence, but you must hand in an application form as soon as possible.

    If you are a visiting student, an exchange student from a foreign university or an external candidate, you do not have the right to a leave of absence from your studies.