Bergen University College
Through long and established experience within the field of interprofessional education, Bergen University College, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, contributes with a high level of knowlegde and expertise, both within research and education of interprofessional learning.
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Bergen University College, the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences is a collaborating partner in the Centre and a member of the consortium, and is represented in board of leaders and the work-group in TVEPS.
The Faculty of Health and Social Sciences also participates in a national network in interprofessional learning. The network is coalition of researcher within the field og health and social care at the Norwegian college universities.
The network was established on mars 13th 2013, and has the aim to exhange knowlegde and experience, and contribute to a higher level of colllaboration between people and research groups that works within the field of interprofessional collaboration.
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