Program for University Pedagogy
University Pedagogy Course

UPED632 Enhancing Your Courses with Canvas

The course aims to prepare instructors to be able to plan, choose, and produce online resources and technologies to supplement their traditional classroom instruction

Main content

The course should convey an understanding of what can be done in the Canvas learning environment, how to do those things effectively, how those things will allow time in the classroom to be better utilized, and now to know if those things are improving student learning.


The course content will look at some of the current research on how web - enhancements improve instructional effectiveness, however, the course will primarily be practically based, where participants will perform hands-on activities and take part in discussions about their own teaching practice.


The course provides an opportunity to explore multiple possibilities, ranging from basic supplementary materials and activities to more robust approaches, such as blended/hybrid and flipped courses. Participants will develop their own materials, receive feedback, and share ideas and experiences with their colleagues. It is expected that participants will develop learning materials in the periods between training sessions that address either specific content or a specific learning objective in their course(s) and that participants will give each other feedback on those materials in the sessions.