Scientific publications
Below you will find a list of highly selected recent relevant publications from affiliated researchers to the project.

Main content
Ablo, Austin D.
2020. [with G. A. B. Yiran, F. E. Asem and G.Owusu] Urban Sprawl in sub-Saharan Africa: A review of the literature in selected countries Ghana Journal of Geography Vol.12 No.1
2019. [with E. O. Denchie and R. Overå] Land governance and access dynamics in Sekondi-Takoradi, Ghana African Geographical Review. DOI:10.1080/19376812.2020.1831560
2018. Scale, local content and the challenges of Ghanaians employment in the oil and gas industry Geoforum v.96 pp.181-189
2018. [with E. E. Yekple]. Urban water stress and poor sanitation in Ghana: perception and experiences of residents in the Ashaiman Municipality. GeoJournal, 83, 583-594.
2018. [with V.K. Asamoah]. Local participation, institutions and land acquisition for energy infrastructure: The case of the Atuabo gas project in Ghana. Energy Research & Social Science.
2017. The micro-mechanisms of power in local content requirements and their constraints on Ghanian SMEs in the oil and gas sector. Norwegian Journal of Geography. DOI: 10.1080/00291951.2017.1299213.
2017. [with R. Badwi and R. Overå]. The importance and limitations of social networks for labour market integration of Ghanaian immigrants in Bergen, Norway. Norwegian Journal of Geography. DOI: 10.1080/00291951.2017.1406402.
Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge
2021. [with J. Sumich] Just out of Reach: Imminence and Political Subjectivity in Mozambique. (published online) Journal of Current Anthropology.
2021. A lesser human? Utopian registers of urban reconfiguration in Maputo, Mozambique. Social Anthropology 29(1) DOI: 10.1111/1469-8676.12988
2020. [with M. Nielsen and J. Sumich]. Enclaving: Spatial Detachment as and Aesthetics of Imagination in an Urban Sub-Saharan African Context. Urban Studies.
2019. [co-edited with Sheila Pereira Khan and Maria Paula Meneses] Mozambique on the Move: Challenges and Reflections. Leiden: Brill, pp. 294.
2018. Composing texts and the composition of uprisings: Notes on writing the postcolonial political. In Morten Nielsen and Nigel Rapport (eds) The Composition of Anthropology: How Anthropological Texts Are Written. London: Routledge, pp. 56-72.
2017. Efervescência efémera: levantamentos populares urbanos em Moçambique. In Luís de Brito (ed.) Agora eles têm medo de nós! - Uma colectânea de textos sobre as revoltas populares em Moçambique (2008-2012). Maputo: IESE, pp. 124-152 [OPEN ACCESS book and chapter]
2016. Violent Becomings: State Formation, Sociality, and Power in Mozambique. New York: Berghahn Books, pp. 320. [OPEN ACCESS BOOK].
2014a. Effervescence and Ephemerality: Popular Urban Uprisings in Mozambique. Ethnos: Journal of Anthropology, DOI:10.1080/00141844.2014.929596.
2014b. [with Inge Tvedten and Sandra Roque] Engaging, Transcending and Subverting Dichotomies: Discursive Dynamics of Maputo’s Urban Space. Urban Studies, 51(13):2752-2769, DOI: 10.1177/0042098013512872.
Gastrow, Claudia
2020. DIY Verticality: The Politics of Materiality in Luanda City & Society, 32: 93-117.
2020. Housing middle-classness: formality and the making of distinction in Luanda. Africa, 90(3), 509-528.
2020. Urban States: The Presidency and Planning in Luanda, Angola. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 44: 366-383.
2019. Recycling Consumption: Political Power and Elite Wealth in Angola. In D. Posel & I. Van Wyk (Eds.), Conspicuous Consumption in Africa pp. 79-95. Wits University Press.
2017. Cement Citizens: Housing, Demolition and Political Belonging in Luanda, Angola. Citizenship Studies. 21(2): 224 – 239
2017. Aesthetic Dissent: Urban Redevelopment and Political Belonging in Luanda, Angola. Antipode. 49 (2): 377 - 396
2017. Urban. Somatosphere. 6 November.
Manuel, Sandra
2021. Performing Respect: Contemporary Strategies and Lived Experiences in Intimate Relationships in Maputo. Journal of African Cultural Studies.
2014. [with R. Pose, J. Engel, & A. Pocin]. Against All Odds: Mozambique’s Gains in Primary Health Care. ODI Development Progress. London: Overseas Development Institute.
2013. Sexuality in Cosmopolitan Maputo: The Aesthetics of Gendered Practice Through the Lenses of Class, in B. Obrist, V. Arlt & E. Macamo (eds.) Living the City in Africa: Processes of Invention and Intervention. Schweizerische Afrikastudien Vol. 10, Berlin: Lit-Verlag.
2012. [ed.]. Expressões da homossexualidade em Maputo. Estudos Homossexuais Vol.1. Maputo, Lambda UNFPA.
2011. [with E. Gune]. Doing Research on Sexuality in Africa: Ethical Dilemmas and the Positioning of the Researcher, in S.Tamale (ed), African Sexualities: A reader. Oxford, Pambazuka.
Mkhwanazi, Nolwazi
2018. Why Ethnography matters: A southern African perspective. In R. Rinehart, J. Kidd & A. Garcia. Southern Hemisphere ethnographies of place, space and time. Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang.
2017 [with D. Bhana]. Understanding Young families in South Africa. In N. Mkhwanazi and D. Bhana (eds) Young Families: Gender, Sexuality and Care. Cape Town: HSRC Press.
2017. Rethabile’s Story: To be young, pregnant and black. In N. Mkhwanazi and D. Bhana (eds) Young Families: Gender, Sexuality and Care. Cape Town: HSRC Press.
2016. Medical Anthropology in Africa: The trouble with a single story. Medical Anthropology 35(2): 193- 202.
2016 [with E. Block] Paternity matters: Premarital childbearing and belonging in South Africa and Lesotho. Social Dynamics 42(2): 273-288.
2016 [with L. Manderson and E. Block]. Fragility, fluidity, and resilience: Caregiving configurations three decades into AIDS. AIDS Care 28 (S4): 1-7.
2015. Twenty years of democracy and the politics of reproduction in South Africa. African Identities. 12 (3/4): 326-341.
2014. “An African way of doing things”: reproducing gender and generation. Anthropology Southern Africa 37 (1/2): 107-118.
Overå, Ragnhild
2017. Local Navigators in a Global Industry. The Gendered Nature of Entrepreneurship in Ghana’s Oil and Gas Service Sector. Journal of Development Studies. 53, 3: 361-374.
2015 [with A.D. Ablo]. Networks, trust and capital mobilization: challenges of embedded local entrepreneurial strategies in Ghana’s oil and gas industry. Journal of Modern African Studies. 53, 3: 391-413.
2015 [with F. Boamah]. Rethinking livelihood impacts of biofuel land deals in Ghana. Development and Change, 47, 1: 98-129.
2011. Modernisation narratives and small-scale fisheries in Ghana and Zambia. Forum for Development Studies, 38, 3: 321-343.
2008. Mobile traders and mobile phones in Ghana. In: Katz, James (Ed.) Handbook of Mobile Communication Studies. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
2007. When men do women’s work: structural adjustment, unemployment and changing gender relations in the informal economy of Accra, Ghana. Journal of Modern African Studies, 45, 539-563.
2006. Networks, Distance and Trust: Telecommunications Development and Changing Trading Practices in Ghana. World Development, 34, 7: 1301-1315.
Sumich, Jason
2022. Building walls to tame time: Enclaves and the enduring power of failure, Economy and Society.
2021. [with B. E. Bertelsen] Just out of Reach: Imminence and Political Subjectivity in Mozambique. (published online) Journal of Current Anthropology.
2020. ‘Just another African country’: socialism, capitalism and temporality in Mozambique. Third World Quarterly.
2020. [with M. Nielsen and B. E. Bertelsen]. Enclaving: Spatial Detachment as and Aesthetics of Imagination in an Urban Sub-Saharan African Context. Urban Studies.
2020. [with M. Nielsen] The Political Aesthetics of Middle Class Housing in (not so) Neoliberal Mozambique. Antipode.
2019. [with L. Buur]. No Smoke Without Fire: Securing Economic Enclaves in Mozambique. Development and Change.
2018. The Middle Class in Mozambique: The State and the Politics of Transformation in Africa, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2017. The Slow Decay of Southern Africa's Dominant-Party Regimes, GIGA Focus Africa, 08/2017, Hamburg: GIGA.
2016. The Middle Class of Mozambique and the Politics of the Blank Slate, in: Henning Melber (ed.), The Rise of Africa's Middle Class: Myths, Realities and Critical Engagements, London: Zed Books, 159-169.
2015. The Uncertainty of Prosperity: Dependence and the Politics of Middle Class Privilege in Maputo. Ethnos, 1, 1-21.
2014. Neither Nationals nor Cosmopolitans: The Political Economy of Belonging in Mozambique, in: Keith Hart / John Sharp (eds.), People, Money and Power in the Economic Crisis: Perspectives from the Global South, Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books, 173-189.
2013. Tenuous Belonging: Citizenship, Democracy and Power in Mozambique. Social Analysis, 57, 2, 99-116.