Institutt for informatikk
Department Seminar

RCN Researcher Project calls 2021


Each year, the Research Council of Norway (RCN) has a call for Researcher Projects, inviting researchers from all fields to apply for funding to deliver new insights, advance research frontiers, promote scientific careers, establish and broaden international cooperation, facilitate excellent researcher training and more. With a deadline on 10 February 2021, researchers can apply in one of the following categories: Researcher Project for Scientific Renewal, Researcher Project for Young Research Talents, or Three-year Researcher Project with International Mobility. In addition, one can also apply for a Large-scale Interdisciplinary Researcher Project. All of these calls come with a different set of (eligibility) requirements. During the seminar, we will go through the main characteristics of each call and make you aware of the most important specificities. In addition, we will give you some tips on how you can improve key parts of the different chapters of the project description (excellence, impact, implementation). We will finish the seminar with an overview of the department’s proposal support services and information about the planned proposal writing class for RCN newcomers.

The seminar will be given by Stefanie Meyer, research coordinator at the Department of Informatics. Stefanie has worked as a research advisor for third funding for the past 5 years and has a broad overview over different local, national, and international funding bodies (including RCN, Trond Mohn Foundation, EU Horizon 2020, ERC, Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions).
