Election of Institute Board at the Department of Informatics
The election of the new Department of Informatics Board is now completed! Check the results here!

The new Department Board
Group | Members | Deputies | Period |
Leader (not up for election) | Head of Department | Deputy Head | |
Group A permanent faculty | Jan Arne Telle David Grellscheid Lilya Budaghyan | 1. Pekka Parviainen 2. Stefan Bruckner 3. Uwe Egbert Wolter 4. Susanna Röblitz | 01.08.2021 - 31.07.2025 |
Group B temporary scientific positions | Erlend Raa Vågset | 1. Mikhail Barash 2. George Petrides 3. Tam Thanh Truong | 01.08.2021 - 31.07.2022 |
Group C administrative and technical staff | Pål M. Gunnestad Ragna Breines | 1. Eirik Rekve Thorsheim 2. Ida Rosenlund | 01.08.2021 - 31.07.2025 |
Group D students | Brigt Arve Toppe Håvardstun Sofia Hestenes Eika | 1. Elias Ivarssønn Djupesland 2. Sandra Lekve 3. Bo Victor Isak Aanes 4. Pål Henrik Hannus | 01.08.2021 - 31.07.2022 |
Nominated candidates
Group A:
Stefan Bruckner
Lilya Budaghyan
David Grellscheid
Susanna Roeblitz
Pekka Parviainen
Jan Arne Telle
Uwe Wolter
Group B:
Mikhail Barash
George Petrides - please find the presentation of this candidate here
Tam Thanh Truong
Erlend Raa Vågset
Group C:
Ragna Breines
Pål M Gunnestad
Ida Rosenlund
Eirik Rekve Thorsheim
Group D:
Elias Djupesland
Sofia Eikenes
Pål Henrik Hannus
Brigt Håvardstun - presentation of the candidate
Sandra Lekve
Bo Aanes
Cencus - who can vote?
Please check if you are eligible to vote.
Cencus for employees (groups A, B and C): https://manntall.app.uib.no/ansatt/
Census for students (group D): https://manntall.app.uib.no/student/
If you cannot find your name in the electoral register, please let us know by sending an e-mail to: valgstyret@uib.no