Contact us
Bente Storm Haugland
E-mail: Bente.Haugland@uib.no
Tel.: +47 55 58 86 84
May-Britt Sande
E-mail: May-Britt Sande
Tel.: +47 55 58 86 22
Adresse: Christies gate 12, 5020 Bergen
The Graduate School of Clinical and Developmental Psychology (CDP) was launched in the autumn of 2007 at The Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen. It was established in collaboration between the Department of Clinical Psychology and the Department of Psychosocial Science.
We endeavor to advance research on mechanisms and factors that protect as well as endanger mental health emphasizing theoretical development, empirical validation, methodological rigor, and the establishment of links between normal and abnormal processes. This requires students to become acquainted with a broad range of relevant research designs and methodologies.
While the faculty offers the mandatory training component, the research school is responsible for the elective part of the training component. The objective of the elective training component is for the candidate to receive a basic training that, together with the thesis, provides a necessary academic breadth and specialization. The research school aims to offer credits within all the main fields of the mandatory training component: methods, subject-specific courses and dissemination.