Hands-On Data Management Planning
A data management plan (DMP) is both a formal document and a practical tool.

Kurset holdes på engelsk.
A data management plan (DMP) is both a formal document and a practical tool. Both research funders and institutions require research projects to have a DMP. A DMP outlines how data is planned to be handled in the process of a research project, from data collection or re-use, through data processing and analysis, to data preservation and archiving.
This seminar will give an overview about the required content in a DMP and introduce useful resources. It will include a demonstration how the digital DMP tool FAIR Wizard can be used to generate and update DMPs - from the first draft to the version for project reporting. The tool allows to customize the DMP questionnaire to individual project needs.
This first part of the seminar can also be attended as webinar. On-site participants will subsequently have the opportunity to work on their own DMP and receive support from data management experts (details to be confirmed, limit of 25 participants).