Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design
Research opportunities

Research funding support at the Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design (KMD)

Information about the research administration at KMD, important funding sources and submission deadlines

Main content

Externally funded activity (BOA) is a focus area for the Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design (KMD). Research projects with external financial support strengthen the faculty's and institutes' research and artistic reserachwork.

For questions about project development, application deadlines, and various programs for external financing, please contact the research administration at our shared email address forskning.kmd@uib.no or contact the research advisor at your institute:

Application Support

If you wish to submit a larger research application, this must be reported to the institute leader and local research advisor simultaneously with the start of the application process. As a project leader, you are responsible for ensuring that the application is anchored academically, legally, and financially with the management of your institute or unit. National and European research applications require approval from the institute leader and signatures from the LEAR (legal entity appointed representative) at UiB. This applies to both coordinator and partner projects that KMD is involved in. More information about the various phases of the application process can be found at the Research and Innovation Department (FIA).


The research administration at KMD has conducted a series of seminars focused on thematic priority areas or specific funding sources for scientific research and artistic development work. We have emphasized research ethics, EU funding, the Program for Artistic Development Work, basic application writing, project management, and seminars where we work on improving applications based on feedback from peers.

External Funding 

Erasmus+ Staff Mobility All employees at the University of Bergen can receive scholarships for exchanges to an institution, organization, or university in Europe through Erasmus+. Application deadline: September 15, 2024. Contact person: thomas.de.ridder@uib.no

Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership The goal of cooperation partnership projects is to exchange experiences, develop collaborative networks, and enhance the quality and relevance of various educational offerings through internationalization. The initiative supports interdisciplinary collaboration in Europe aimed at developing, exchanging, and testing innovative practices, pedagogical methods, and/or learning activities. Application deadline: 5 March, 2024.

Erasmus+ Global Mobility (2021-2027) Provides Norwegian higher education institutions with the opportunity to send and receive students and staff to and from non-associated third countries. Students can go on study and internship exchanges, while staff can engage in teaching and training stays. Application deadline: 20 February, 2024.

Erasmus+ Innovation Alliances (2021-2027) Large European collaborative projects in higher education and vocational training. The goal is to develop innovative educational offerings that promote innovation and entrepreneurship in education and the workplace, with a focus on skills and competence development in 2023. Application deadline: March 7, 2024.

UTFORSK Program Aims to strengthen higher education for a sustainable future by supporting the establishment of lasting collaborations between Norway and Brazil, Canada, India, Japan, China, South Africa, South Korea, and the USA. Application deadline: April 15, 2024.

Nordplus Supports initiatives that strengthen and develop Nordic educational cooperation, contributing to creating a common Nordic and Baltic educational area. Funding is available for mobility, networks, development projects, and study programs at the bachelor's and master's levels. Application deadline: February 1, 2024.

Stiftelsen Dam One of Norway's largest foundations that provides funding for health and research projects aimed at improving health through participation, activity, and mastery for people in Norway.

NORPART Supports long-term academic cooperation and mutual student exchange between higher education institutions in Norway and selected partner countries in the global south. Announcement expected in spring 2024.

Horizon Europe: Cluster 2: Culture, Creativity, and Inclusive Society Contact the research administration for information on the program, application deadlines, and thematic priorities in Cluster 2 for 2024/2025.

Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Supports the best and most promising researchers in the early stages of their careers. Open to all fields, and applicants determine the project's theme. Deadline: September 11, 2024.

European Research Council (ERC) Supports outstanding research through the Starting Grant, Consolidator Grant, Advanced Grant, and Synergy Grant categories. Contact the research administration for more information about ERC Advanced Grant.

Internal Funding

UiB Fund and Scholarships Application Portal Provides information on various internal seed and positioning funds that UiB researchers, doctoral candidates, and students can apply for. Deadline is January 6 for academy agreement and January 12, 2025, for other announcements.

Bergen University Fund: Supports projects for disseminating and publishing research results and hosting scientific conferences, workshops, etc. Deadline: January 12, 2025.

Olsen's Fund: Funds research on the use of new teaching and learning methods at the University of Bergen. Deadline: January 12, 2025.

L. Meltzer's College Fund: Grants research prizes, project funds, travel grants, and funds related to research terms for researchers, students, and PhD candidates. Deadline: January 12, 2025.

Peder Sather Center Grant Program Offers grant funds ranging from $10,000 to $25,000. Applicants must be permanent (academic) staff with a primary position at UiB. Funds can support mini-conferences, workshops, pilot studies, data collection, or exchange and research stays. Deadline: April 1, 2024.

Global Social Challenges (GSU) Aims to stimulate academic meeting places and collaboration on topics defined in GSU's academic profile for the period 2023-2025: migration, democracy and human rights, global health, diversity, and resources. The funds aim to stimulate interdisciplinary and cross-faculty research collaboration. A minimum of two faculties should be involved in the collaboration.

UiB's Humanities Strategy Allocates funds for pre-projects and academic pilot work to contribute to realizing the ambitions in the Humanities Strategy. KMD employees can apply for funds for pre-projects and pilots up to NOK 1 million.

Student and PhD-candidate grants

Meltzer's Project Grant: Supports academic student projects confirmed by a supervisor, associated with studies or PhD positions at UiB, as well as other universities and scientific colleges in Norway.

Olsen's Fund: The board has allocated NOK 50,000 for students and PhD candidates.

UiB's Student Fund: Students affiliated with a one-year study, bachelor's, professional education, or master's program.