University Museum of Bergen

The Bergen Museum Yearbook 2009

Mummies, pollen, Middle Age shoes, birds’ eggs, and silver treasures are but a few of the topics in the Bergen Museum Yearbook for 2009.

Main content

More pictures and comments from the Bergen Museum Yearbook 2009 are available in this presentation presentation (in Norwegian).


The topics of this year’s publication of Bergen Museum Yearbook are numerous. You can also find information about the Museum Project 2014 here – a project for the upgrading of building, contents, and functions of the impressive museum building at Muséplass 3.

CT scanning at Haukeland University Hospital provides new, valuable information about the Museum’s two mummies.  New preparation methods turn dry, cracked Middle Age shoes found at Bryggen into elegant shoes as they were originally made. And, as the Darwin year draws to a close, it is also appropriate to remind readers of the article: Do you believe in Darwin? – A Christmas Story.

The Yearbook can be bought in the Museum or Internet shops


  • A House of Knowledge, Jo Høyer
  • Do you believe in Darwin? – A Christmas Story, Endre Willassen
  • Eternal Life – but not altogether peaceful, Frode Storaas
  • New excavation of 2000 year old textiles, Hana Lukešová
  • Ancient Egypt – a crowd puller since antiquity, Kari K. Kristoffersen
  • From study object to shoes for people, Gitte Hansen
  • A treasure trove from the Viking Age, Sigrid Kaland
  • Agnus Dei - Lamb of God in gilded silver, Henrik von Achen
  • Pollen – so tiny – so great, Kari Loe Hjelle
  • Godtfred Bohr and his possible discovery of the Pillwort, Per Magnus Jørgensen
  • Overgrowth in Cultural Landscapes – Loss of species, Mary H. Losvik
  • Horticulture at Norwegian mountain summer farms, Dagfinn Moe
  • Development of brood size in birds, Terje Lislevand