Institutt for biovitenskap (BIO)
Master's presentation

Master's presentation by Ingvild K. Sundal Joys: "Temperature tolerance and distribution of the invasive non-indigenous red algae Agarophyton vermiculophyllum in seagrass meadows in Norway"

Ingvild K. Sundal Joys will present her master's thesis on Monday, October 25, 2021, at 12:15 in seminar rooms K3/4 to obtain her degree Master of Science in Biology, specialization Marine Biology.


Main supervisor (external): Vivian Husa (IMR)
Co-supervisors (external): Henning Steen, Barbro Taraldset Haugland, Thijs van Son, Jonas Thormar (IMR)
Co-supervisor (internal): Kjersti Sjøtun (UiB)

Exam committee
External examiner: Bernt Rydland Olsen (HVL)
Internal examiner: Aage Paus (UiB)

Time: Monday, October 25, 2021, 12:15-12:45
Location: Seminar rooms K3/4, 1st floor, B-wing, Biologen, Thormøhlens gate 53B

Everyone interested are welcome!