BCEPS extends its co-operation with NORAD to three new countries
BCEPS will extend its UHC decision support to three new countries and Africa CDC, in partnership with the Center for Integration Science in Global Health Delivery at Harvard Medical School’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

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Service Packages for Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in National Health Systems
In a new project (Defining and integrating NCD interventions in national health systems) that has been granted funding by NORAD, BCEPS will extend its UHC decision support to three additional countries, Tanzania, Nepal and Ghana, as well as the newly established health economics unit at Africa CDC, whereby the focus will be on defining essential NCD packages and service delivery.
Under the leadership of professors Ole F. Norheim and Kjell Arne Johansson, BCEPS aims to support partners through the WHO-led DECIDE network, improviding technical assistance, decision support and capacity strengthening for defining essential NCD UHC packages for Tanzania, Nepal, Ghana, and Africa CDC. Through its partner, the Center for Integration Science in Global Health Delivery at Harvard Medical School’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH), led by Gene Bukhman, the project will also develop recommendations for integrated delivery of priority interventions in selected countries.

Figure: Organisation of support team at BCEPS, with country teams
The goal of the project is to improve efficiency, equity, and financial risk protection from essential NCD packages in selected countries. The impact on health adjusted life expectancy (HALE) at birth, burden of disease, equity indexes for access and health outcome indicators, out of pocket (OOP) expenditure and proportion of catastrophic health expenditure will be measured in the project and supplemented with data from IHME, WHO and World Bank UHC/SDG indictors.
Expected outcomes
- Outcome 1: Defined and proposed essential NCD UHC packages in Tanzania, Nepal, Ghana and for Africa CDC (BCEPS)
- Outcome 2: Trained national experts in health economics and priority setting. A selected number of PhD candidates and Master’s students will be recruited from the selected countries and receive their diploma from UiB, after which they will be employed and placed in health economics unit in their home country (BCEPS).
- Outcome 3: Recommendations for integrated delivery of priority interventions in Tanzania, Nepal, Ghana, and Ethiopia (BWH)