CEDAS is involved in several projects and research centers
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CEDAS is / has been involved in the following research projects and research centers:
- MediaFutures: Research Centre for Responsible Media Technology & Innovation, Senterleader: Christoph Trattner, RCN-SFI (Centre for Research-Based Innovation); see below for more information
- Lossy Preprocessing (LOPRE), PI: Saket Saurabh, type of grant: ERC Consolidator Grant, 2019-2024; see below for more information
- Improved treatments of Acute Myeloid Leukaemias by Personalized Medicine (AML_PM), PI: Inge Jonassen, 2019-2022. This is a ERA PerMed project, financed by the Research Council of Norway. For more information, follow this link.
- Visual Data Science for Large Scale Hypothesis Management in Imaging Biomarker Discovery (VIDI), PI: Helwig Hauser, type of grant: This project is funded by the Trond Mohn Foundation (former Bergen Research Foundation) and the University of Bergen. For more information, follow this link.