Reading Circle on Bodies of Information: Intersectional Feminism and Digital Humanities
We will discuss the new anthology Bodies of Information: Intersectional Feminism and Digital Humanities, edited by Elizabeth Losh and Jacqueline Wernimont.

Main content
The DH Network's first reading circle deals with the introduction and chapter 6 ("Representation at Digital Humanities Conferences (2000-2015)") in the new anthology Bodies of Information: Intersectional Feminism and Digital Humanities .
The book is available at the University Library as a reserve item - it is unfortunately not available on the European market until June, so Akademika could not take it in. You can copy or scan articles in the library, or, since we have some copies of the book, contact Hannah Ackermans, Julia King or Jill Walker Rettberg to copy / scan the chapters. Alternatively, the book can be purchased as an e-book from American bookstores.
The reading circle also serves as a precursor to the double lecture on April 3, where one of the anthology's editors, Elizabeth Losh, will speak about "Defining Feminist Digital Humanities". She will be joined by guest researcher Aristea Fotopoulou, who is in Bergen in the spring to write the book Feminist Data Studies: Big Data, Critique and Social Justice (Sage 2020).
Registration is required due to lunch service - please register here.