Contact us
Here you will find information on how to contact and visit the different sections at the Estate and Facilities Management Division (EIA).
Main content
Contact us (Desk)
- Behovsmelding (Lydia)
- UiBhjelp
- Mail:
- Telefon: 55 58 49 00
- Opening hours are weekdays 9AM-2PM
- Emergency telephone staffed around the clock: + 47 55 58 80 81
Visit us
Nygårdsgaten 5.
5th floor
- The administration of the division
- Property Director
- Operations
- Project
- Professional support & Staff
- Larger efforts
2nd floor
- Operations, Transport and Park section (Transport and Materiel unit)
Herman Foss' gate 6
Operations, Transport and Park section (post unit)
Sydnesplass 9, Sydneshaugen skole
Operation, Transport and Park section (park unit)
Christiesgate 18,
Operations, Operational area North
Allègt.41, Realfagbygget
Operations, Operational area 3
Jonas Liesv.91, BB-bygget
Operations, Operational area 4
Fosswinckels gate 6, Lauritz Meltzers hus
Operations, Cleaners
Parkveien 1, Studentsenteret
Operations, The Card Centre
Internal users at UiB have their own electronic message service for faults or defects in the operating areas - Needs notification (Lydia) - this is the channel primarily used to notify these tasks.
The operating areas also have a contact telephone for users, to be used in cases of urgent need. The operational areas’ working hours are 07:00 to 14:30 daily throughout the year - outside working hours the contact telephone is connected to the security company on contract to UiB.
- Operating area North (1) - tel. +47 55 58 94 50 (Nygårdshøyden north)
- Operating area North (2) - tel. +47 55 58 93 10 (Nygårdshøyden middle)
- Operating area 3 - tel. +47 55 58 93 93 (Nygårdshøyden south)
- Operating area 4 - tel. +47 55 58 62 50 (Årstadvollen / Haukeland area)
Transport and Park section
Internal users at UiB have their own electronic message service for faults or defects in the Transport and Park section - Needs notification (Lydia) - this is the channel primarily used to notify these tasks.
The Transport and Park section also has a contact telephone for users, to be used in cases of urgent need. The telephone is manned during working hours 07:00 - 14:30.
- Transport and material assignments - tel. +47 55 58 20 71
- Park section - tel. + 47 55 58 93 66
- Campus bus - tel. +47 916 35,509
Internal users at UiB have their own electronic message service for cleaning services -Needs notification (Lydia) - this is the channel primarily used to notify these tasks.
Tel.: +47 481 62 677 (cleaning manager)
Tel. +47 466 13 442 (cleaning manager)
The management group
Name | Position | Responsibility | Phone |
Kjartan Nesset | Eiendomsdirektør | Eiendomsavdelingen | 959 12 831 |
Helge Rekve | Underdirektør | Større satsinger | 400 37 372 |
Agnethe Erstad Larsen | Ass.eiendomsdir. | Fagstøtte & Stab | 970 61 306 |
Sissel Smørdal Hermansen | Seksjonssjef | Prosjekt | 952 03 676 |
Jan-Terje Nygaard | Seksjonssjef | Drift | 915 64 650 |
Torbjørn Iversen | Eiendomsforvalter | Område Nord | 994 85 820 |
Arvid Arnesen | Eiendomsforvalter | Område 3 inkl. HIB og Område 4 | 915 62 209 |
Susanne Holtås | Transportleder | Transport- og parkseksjon | 406 43 781 |