Center for Research on Cardiac Disease in Women

Christmas Seminar 2022

Anja Linde presents on Center’s Christmas seminar

Anja Linde
Anja Linde

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A busy semester was concluded by a series of PhD and postdoctoral fellows presenting their newest research results at the Christmas Seminar held at Hotel Terminus Monday 12.12. Visiting research fellow, Piotr Sobieraj PhD from University of Warszawa, presented his new analyses from clinical studies in hypertension, followed by presentations from junior researchers in the Center network.

Trond Pettersen presented a summary of his thesis Patient-reported challenges to medication adherence after percutaneous coronary intervention which he defended for the PhD degree last week.

On the photo PhD candidate Anja Linde is presenting results from her studier on patients with rheumatoid arthritis. A very educational day for all that were present.