UiB Ferd Career Center for Early Stage Researchers

Building your Professional Network

This seminar will cover both the philosophy and the practicalities of networking in academia. We will discuss the four ’S’ reasons to network: survival, [avoiding] suffering, success, and symbiosis. The course is developed and presented by Professor Laura Saetveit Miles.

Main content

Conferences and other academic activities offer chances for making connections, and we will cover concrete strategies for how to talk to people, how to follow up, and how to get the most out of both new and old connections. We will also talk about mentorship as a part of networking and how and why to cultivate different kinds of informal mentoring relationships. Finally, networking can be a source of radical good to counteract the damaging gatekeeping that often governs the academic world - how can we each be a part of this positive change?

Laura Saetveit Miles is professor of British literature and research coordinator for the Department of Foreign Languages. Her broad — and recent — experience from the job market in the US, UK, and Norway includes serving on six hiring committees for UiB and elsewhere over the last few years. She brings her extensive training in job seeking from Yale University and the University of Michigan to help early career researchers through international mentoring programs in her disciplines of medieval studies and English literature, as well as PhDs in the IF/LLE Literature and Culture Research School, and other early career researchers at UiB.

The workshop will be held in English.