UiB Ferd Career Center for Early Stage Researchers
UiB Ferd


UiB Ferd Career Centre brings together a team from across the university to deliver training and support.

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Have you ever been unsure about your next step in respect of your work or education? Have you ever thought that you should have known this many years ago? That is how things are for most of us. By and large, we find a way forward and sometimes doors open randomly. The UiB Ferd Career Centre for Early Stage Researchers is designed to serve as a hub for knowledge and learning about choosing a direction and transitions. UiB Ferd offers tools and venues in order to provide you with career competence.

Competence is about knowledge of the context you find yourself in, reflection about opportunities and limitations and insight into your own skills. Planning also requires you to have details about who and what will help you to make progress. UiB Ferd is probably not in the same league as The 12th Man, but we are not far off. 

"Career competence is not about being the best or having a better career. It's about doing what is necessary in order to obtain what you want." says UiB Ferd leader Ellen Hagen. 

UiB Ferd works in accordance with the DOTS model, which is basically about understanding oneself in context and knowing the opportunities that are available for making such conscious choices. The Career Centre is located in Langesgate 3. You are welcome to come and have a chat with one of our career supervisors.


Head of UiB Ferd Career Centre is Ellen Hagen.

Career supervisors

Ellen Hagen

Ellen Hagen has been delivering career guidance in various contexts since 2012. She was a research fellow at adm.org in 2004-2012, but left her PhD to start working with absences from upper secondary schools under the Ny Giv project. After working for a while as a manager at NAV Voss, Ellen worked for Hkdir where she was responsible for a European career guidance incentive called Euroguidance. Due to her strong commitment to lifelong learning and mentoring, Hagen enrolled in a Master's in career guidance at the INN (Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences). The subject of her thesis is career development for postdoctoral fellows in Norway. 
Ellen Hagen has broad experience of academia and working life

•    international experience 
•    career guidance 
•    academia 
•    working life and exclusion 

Signe Knappskog

Signe Knappskog has many years experience as a consultant providing practical assistance, including careers advice, to international researchers. She previously held a position as a study supervisor, and worked on the recruitment and follow-up of scientific employees as a departmental administrative manager. In 2021, Knappskog joined the HR Department's team responsible for careers and competence, and during the same year she completed a postgraduate degree in supervision at VID Specialised University. 
Signe Knappskog possesses extensive versatile experience from UiB 

•    international experience 
•    supervision 
•    inclusion and diversity 

Other staff

Ole Christian Bjørgo Laukli 

Ole Christian Bjørgo Laukli works in the academic fields of careers, competence and management development. He possesses extensive experience in organisational development, strategy work and management development from other sectors and UiB. Ole Christian will support UiB Ferd with course development and implementation of centre objectives. 

Elisabeth Nesheim

Elisabeth Nesheim is a trained project manager from Kaospilotene in Aarhus and has a Ph.D. in Digital Culture from the University of Bergen. She now works in the fields of organizational development, innovation and change management, and has extensive experience with process and course design from her own business. For UiB Ferd, Elisabeth assists with course development and implementation.

Cecilie Nordbotten

Cecilie Nordbotten is a senior advisor at the Division of Research and Innovation Department (FIA) at UiB. Cecilie has a background as a human toxicologist, and she has experience on a wide range of topics within natural science. She has worked at a Center of Excellence (CoE) in Oslo, as well as coordinating a basic research program in collaboration between industry and academia in the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. As part of the team of research advisers at FIA, she works with support for external funding from the Research Council of Norway and the EU. She will also work with career development of young researchers and contribute to the coordination of Momentum; UiB's own career program for younger researchers.

Marta Eide

Marta Eide is the academic director of research support at the University Library. She has a research background from molecular biology and environmental toxicology at UiB. Shifting to more research administrative and -supportive tasks, she held a position as senior adviser at the Centre for Digital Life Norway.
As part of the section for education and research support at the library, her current responsibilities include the development, operation, and profiling of research support services that the library offers. In UiB Ferd, Marta will aim to coordinate courses and activities and enable experience sharing and communication between the Career Centre and the library.

Laura Saetveit Miles

Laura Saetveit Miles is professor of British literature at the Department of Foreign Languages, UiB, as well as IF research coordinator. She has been involved with the training of PhD students and early career researchers at the Humanities Faculty for some years now, with her former role as co-leader of the Research School in Literature and Culture, and through collaborations with Stip-IF and the Momentum program, among other groups. Her focus is on helping researchers to develop healthy working habits and a more informed approach to their career planning and self-promotion. 

Ingunn Voster

Ingunn Voster is a senior advisor at the Division of Research and Innovation Department (FIA) at UiB. Ingunn holds an SSH Master's degree in Media and Communication, and she has experience with advising students on career opportunities, as well as researchers on funding opportunities. At FIA, she works closely with Cecilie on career development for young researchers and contributes to the coordination of Momentum; UiB's own career program for early stage researchers.