Bergen Philosophy of Science Workshop
The Department of Philosophy will hold its annual workshop on philosophy of science: Philosophy of science goes through exciting times these days. The intention of this workshop is to make available to us the best work of some of the best philosophers interested in conceptual issues pertaining to the natural and social sciences, as well as mathematics. While technicalities may sometimes be unavoidable, the speakers will try to keep the presentations at an accessible level, such that everyone should feel welcome to attend.
Main content
9.50 - 10.00 Coffee & Welcome
10.00 - 11.15 Carl Hoefer (ICREA / Barcelona): Current Great Theory Realism
11.30 - 12.45 Stephanie Ruphy (Grenoble): Pluralist challenges to a science-based metaphysics
* Lunch @ Christie Cafe (on our own)
15.00 - 16.15 Jamie Tappenden (Michigan, Ann Arbor): Frege, Carl Snell and Romanticism; Fruitful Concepts and the 'Organic/Mechanical' Distinction
16.30 - 17.45 Sam Schindler (Aarhus): Prediction and testability
18.00 - 19.15 James Conant (Chicago): Thomas Kuhn on Problems and Puzzles
Abstracts at PhilEvents.
Talks about 45 min, Q&A ca. 30 min. No registration needed, everyone welcome.