Employee Pages

Competence promotion at UiB

Information and guidelines for personal promotion based on assessment of competence to professor, associate professor/first lecturer, and teaching professor (Docent). For local guidelines see information at your faculty.

Main content


  • You must be employed in at least a 50 % position to be able to apply for a competence promotion at UiB. The position must be permanent or for a fixed term. 

  • The competence promotion is personal, and you can only apply for promotion in the academic field in which you are employed.   

  • It must be at least 2 years since the last time you applied. 

Briefly about the process 

  • You must check the rules and guidelines at your faculty and use a local application form.  

  • The process is initiated by contacting HR at your Faculty and sending them your application form.  

  • Upon promotion, you will receive a change of salary and position code. Note that promotion has no consequences for your work tasks. 

Rules and guidelines