Employee Pages

Checklist for onboarding of international employees

In this checklist for successful onboarding you will find all the necessary steps for you as an international employee, leader, HR or other administrative staff.


Main content

You as a new employee

Click here to download the checklist as a PDF.

Preparations before arrival in Norway 

• Read your offer of employment carefully. 
• Fill in «Acceptance and information form” and return to HR together with a copy of your passport, and "Placement in the basic collective agreement" form. 
• Non-EU/EEA: Apply for a visa for yourself, and your family. 
• Find accommodation through UiB guest housing or in the private market.
• Permanent staff may be eligible for a moving allowance, read more about the terms and conditions.

Preparations before the first day at work

• Sign and return the contract of employment. 
Register with the Norwegian authorities at the Service Centre for Foreign Workers (SUA). 
• Non-EU/EEA: Once you receive your Norwegian ID number you must:
     1. Become an online user
     2. Apply for a tax deduction card online

Follow-up during the first 6 months

• Once you have your Norwegian ID number:
     ¤ Send your ID number to the payroll office at post@lonnskontoret.uib.no
     ¤ Open a Norwegian bank account and inform payroll office about your new bank account number
• Update "My information" in the self-service portal
• Sign up for Norwegian courses at UiB
• Sign up for the introductory courses for new international employees

You as HR staff

Preparations before arrival in Norway

• Choose and send the correct template for offer of employment in ePhorte.
• Send "Acceptance and information" form (skjemaoversikt) and "Placement in the basic collective agreement". See guide for receiving external files.
• For non-EU/EEA citizens: fill in and send the "UDI offer of employment"
• EU/EEA citizens: sign and send the "employment certificate for EEA/EFTA nationals
• Save all necessary documentation in the personnel file in ePhorte
     ¤ "Acceptance and information" form
     ¤ CV and application
     ¤ Copy of passport
     ¤ Copy of granted residence permit

Preparations before the first day at work

• Decide on a start date together with the department/faculty and the employee. For employees who need a residence permit, the start date cannot be set until the permit is granted.
• Send the contract of employment when start date is confirmed.
• Notify Fagspesialistteamet using Melding om lønn for utenlandsk arbeidstaker via an "N-notat" in ePhorte. You do not need to fill in information that is already stored in the case.

Follow-up during the first 6 months

• Provide support to the new employee and the leader with personnel responsibility.
• New information such as change of bank account number, Norwegian address, ID-number and/or telephone number must be sent as N-notat in ePhorte to the payroll department.

See HR Ressursbank for more information.

You as the nearest leader

Preparations before arrival in Norway

• Find important information about onboarding here, with a description of the onboarding process here

Preparations before the first day at work

• Start preparing the onboarding plan
• Make arrangements to welcome the employee on their first day
• Order necessary equipment and relevant accesses depending on the position
• Appoint a buddy 

Follow-up during the first 6 months

• Hold the start up meeting, according to the onboarding plan
• Make sure that the international employee has:
     ¤ Been to SUA (so they can receive their ID number, get a tax card, open a bank account, etc.)
     ¤ Been introduced to the workplace and their colleagues
     ¤ Signed up for the introductory courses for new international employees
     ¤ Signed up for a Norwegian course
     ¤ Been introduced to trade unions
     ¤ Been introduced to the safety delegate
     ¤ Signed up for the fire safety training and first aid training

You as Payroll department (seksjon for lønn)

Register the new employees in HR/payroll system when the following information is available in the personnel file in ePhorte:

• "N-notat" - Melding om lønn for utenlandsk arbeidstaker
• "Acceptance and information" form
• Signed contract of employment
• Copy of passport
• Copy of residence permit
• CV and application letter

If any information is missing from the personnel file, please contact the case worker.