Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation (CET)

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CET Lunsj: Justice in Transport Planning: How to bridge theory and practice

Velkommen til vårt virtuelle og fysiske seminar med Ryan Hamilton fra Norconsult.

Street view with bus, cars and el-scooter
Ryan will provide a brief overview of equity and distributional justice theories within the field of transportation and urban mobility before exploring the relationship between academic theories of distributional justice and transportation planning in practice.

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Arrangementet foregår på engelsk:

Our speaker will attend physically. Audience can sign up and tune in via stream, or turn up at CET where a lunch will be served on first come, first served basis.

Locally and internationally, transportation has emerged as a vital sector for reform due to its relationship to emissions, social equity, and well-being. Transportation not only accounts for a significant amount of global greenhouse gases, access to transportation also enables residents to get to essential locales, socialize, and generally live life. Unfortunately, the distribution of transportation's burdens and benefits is not always equitably distributed. Although the efforts to create more efficient and less environmentally-damaging transportation systems are not new, the push to create systems which contribute to greater equity or justice are relatively nascent in the field of transportation planning.  

Justice in Transport Planning will provide a brief overview of equity and distributional justice theories within the field of transportation and urban mobility before exploring the relationship between academic theories of distributional justice and transportation planning in practice. This talk will create a dialogue around the influence academics have on policy and practice, and what the role of academic writing in public discourse is.The talk is expected to leave us with more questions than answers, but may provide some useful food for thought.

About the speaker:

Ryan Hamilton has an M.Phil in Development, Environment and Cultural Change from the Centre for development and the Environment (SUM) at UiO. He has participated in a number of transportation, energy infrastructure, and urban development projects throughout his studies where he has been able to apply his educational background in psychology and cultural anthropology. He is currently working as a transportation consultant at Norconsult in Oslo.