Tectonic Studies Group’s Annual General Meeting (14-16 January 2019).

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This week the Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen is hosting the Tectonic Studies Group’s Annual General Meeting (14-16 January 2019). The Tectonic Studies Group has existed since the early 1970s as a forum for discussion of research in structural geology and tectonics and is specialist group affiliated to the Geological Society of London. Three days of talks and posters will be held in the Natural History Museum, Bergen and cover a range of structural geology and tectonic themes including: fault growth and fracture networks, rifts, basins and passive margins, orogenesis, fault zones and fluid flow, magmatism and intrusions, salt tectonics, active tectonics and seismic hazards, and applications to reservoirs and resources. Keynote speakers at this year’s meeting include: Kate Clark, GNS Science (New Zealand); Espen Torgersen, Geological Survey of Norway; Luca Smeraglia, Sapienza University of Rome (Italy); Grace Shephard, University of Oslo; and Joanna Faure Walker (UCL).
In addition to the talk and poster sessions, two short courses are running on Sunday, 13 January 2019 in the Department of Earth Sciences:
‘Seismic interpretation; application to structural geology and potential pitfalls’ given by Chris Jackson (Imperial College) and Clare Bond (University of Aberdeen), and
‘Fracture network topology analysis in Network GT’ given by Bjørn Nyberg and Casey Nixon (University of Bergen). Funding from VISTA has enabled bursaries for early career scientists to attend this year’s meeting, as well as support for the keynote speakers and the short course presenters. The meeting has also been supported by Petrolia Noco, Equinor, Aker BP and Concedo. Atle Rotevatn (University of Bergen) has chaired this year’s organising committee that comprises: Rob Gawthorpe, Emilie Randeberg, Casey Nixon, Izzy Edmundson, Thomas Berg Kristensen and Vilde Dimmen (all University of Bergen), together with Karen Mair (University of Oslo) and Anette Tvedt (Petrolia Noco).