Human Geography

Trial Lecture and Public Defence: Jesse Benjamin Schrage

Jesse Benjamin Schrage will defend his thesis "Practicing urban climate governance " for the degree of PhD at the University of Bergen.

Jesse Benjamin Schrage
Jesse Benjamin Schrage will defend his thesis "Practicing urban climate governance " for the degree of PhD at the University of Bergen.
Eivind Senneseth

Main content

The title of the thesis

"Practicing urban climate governance"

Press release (in Norwegian): Klimatiltak i nordiske byer – hvilken rolle har planleggere?

Trial Lecture

  • Assigned topic: "Perspectives on the roles of politicians, bureaucrats, and citizens in local climate governance" 
  • 20.2.2024 - 09.15–10.00
  • Ulrike Pihls hus, Ulrikes aula

Public Defence

  • 20.2.2024 - 10.30–14.00
  • Ulrike Pihls hus, Ulrikes aula


1st opponent
Professor Karin Bradley, Urban and Regional Studies, KTH, Stockholm.

2nd opponent
Professor Jonathan Metzger, Urban and Regional Studies, KTH, Stockholm.

Leader of committee
Professor Ragnhild Overå, Department of Geography, University of Bergen.

The trial lecture and public defence will be chaired by Associate Professor Peter Andersen.

All interested are welcome!