Imaginaries of Problematic Places: Everyday Life and Violence in Malmö, Sweden
Welcome to a seminar about problematic imaginaries, based on empirical research carried out in Malmö, Sweden.
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About the seminar
This seminar will present the results of Katharina Wuropulos' PhD project on youths' everyday lives in Malmö and its centrally located district Rosengård that has become (internationally) known for being a violent place.
The use of weapons such as hand grenades, and the occurrence of shootings and stabbings has drawn the attention of national and global publics. The area is categorised as an "exposed area" by Swedish police. By a wider public this area and areas similar in social structure are often imagined as "no-go areas" or "no-go zones". In Norwegian media violence in Sweden has been referred to with the term "Svenske tilstander". In Wuropulos' dissertation, she examined the socio-material assemblage of the "exposed area" by 1) disassembling the "no-go zone" imaginary and 2) giving an insight into youths’ everyday lives in Rosengård in Malmö.
Please register for the seminar by email to Lene Angelskår.
Katharina Wuropulos is a postdoctoral fellow in the ERC research project PREPARE - Distributed and prepared. A new theory of citizens` public connection networks in the age of datafication. Katharina is a sociologist, and before joining Prepare she worked on better understandings of solidarity and security in Europe from a postcolonial perspective. This included ethnographic field work on flight migration in Europe’s humanitarian borderlands. For her PhD,she researched everyday life with violence and media discrimination in Sweden and its material-social solutionisms.