Translating research into clinical practice. An update on neurorehabilitation from an interdisciplinary perspective
The first Nordic Summer School for Neurorehabilitation will take place in Falsterbo, Sweden, from 21. – 23. September 2016.

Main content
In the course of three intensive days participants will receive an update on neurorehabilitation from an interdisciplinary perspective. The Nordic Sommer School will also provide the opportunity for cross-border discussions and exchange of experiences. All members of the neurorehabilitation team are invited, nurses, doctors, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, neuropsychologists, speech- and language therapists and others. Both experienced clinicians and less experienced health workers who wish to obtain an overview over evidence based practice are welcome. The program covers a broad range of topics, such as motor impairments, cognition, language, technology, neuroplasticity and assessments. The topics reflect a European curriculum and are part of the educational initiative of the WFNR.