The Practical Philosophy Group

Workshop: Philosophy of Human Rights

This is a workshop in connection with the "Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Human Rights" (co-edited by Jesse Tomalty and Kerri Woods).

Eleanor Roosevelt holding poster of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Eleanor Roosevelt holding poster of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (in English), Lake Success, New York. November 1949.

Main content

The Handbook aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the state of the art of the Philosophy of Human Rights, which engages with conceptual and normative questions about human rights, including questions about their nature, justification, content, scope, implications, and applications. In this workshop, some of the contributors to the volume will meet at UiB to present and discuss their chapters, which will be circulated to participants in advance. 

Confirmed speakers: 
•    Vittorio Bufacchi (UCC), Human Rights Foundationalism 
•    Anca Gheaus (CEU), Children's Human Rights
•    Saladin Meckled-Garcia (UCL), Is there a Human Right against Discrimination? 
•    Kerstin Reibold (UiT), Indigenous Human Rights
•    Leonie Smith (Manchester), Free Speech as a Human Right
•    Gopal Sreenivasan (Duke), Human Rights, Moral versus Legal
•    Christine Straehle (Hamburg), Vulnerability and Human Rights
•    Jesse Tomalty (UiB), The Human Right to Work and Labour Rights