Seminar on climate change and revision of contract
On the 24th of April the research group listened to Andreas Slettevold give a presentation on the topic of climate change and revision of contracts based on unforeseen circumstances.
Main content
With the background from the sixth IPCC report which clearly states climate change and the consequences it entails, this could also affect contracts. Andreas Slettevold is a PhD candidate at the University of Bergen and writes about revision of contracts due to unforeseen events involving risks related to climate change.
In his work, he looks at whether existing legislation can be used to overcome some of the problems that may arise, whether there is any difference in the approach from general to special contract law and how well these rules can possibly handle challenges related to contracts and climate changes. As an example, article 36 of the Contracts Act or the doctrine of failed presumtions (læren om bristende forutsetninger) can be mentioned. The project also has a comparative view of the Nordic countries.
See attached PowerPoint for more information.