
News archive for SAPIENCE

“You really could go on and on about this! It is very interesting to learn a bit about you work here”, EU Ambassador Thierry Béchet said when he was visiting the SapienCE Centre.
" Archeology is a fascinating way to learn about human evolution because it opens up to all disciplines and allows us to look at human behavior from a holistic perspective".
The earliest known bone awls, suitable to produce skin clothing, are 73 000 years old and come from Blombos Cave, a site investigated by the researchers of the UiB Centre for Early Sapiens Behaviour. However, little is known about the origin of the sewing techniques necessary to produce tailored clothing. A new study, lead by Francesco d’Errico, professor II at the University of Bergen and... Read more
Archeologist from UiB discovered the earliest known drawing in a cave in South Africa. The abstract drawing displays a red cross-hatched line pattern, created with an ochre crayon 73 000 years ago.
Groundbreaking research puts human evolution in a new perspective as significant archaeological findings reveals sign of modern human behavior 300 000 years ago.
UiB's new Centre of Excellence is officially open.
UiB researcher Karen van Niekerk's road to (a Centre of) excellence.
