Faculty of Social Sciences
PhD courses

Courses and seminars at the Faculty of Social Sciences

PhD-candidates at the Faculty of Social Sciences should register for courses via Studentweb. Candidates from other faculties and universities must register through administrative responsible for the specific course.

Main content

Courses autumn 2024

GOV901: Effects of Lawfare: Courts and law as battlegrounds for social change.

ECON913: Labor Market Adjustment to (Local) Economic Shocks. 2-5 September, 2024.

INFO900: Introduction to Learning Analytics. September- November 2024

Courses spring 2024

HOL900: Holberg Prize PhD Masterclass 2024: “Thoughts on the Planetary”. 02.05.2024-06.06.2024

SANT909: Anthropology of life: Contemporary Anthropologies of More-Than-Human Socialities. 22.04.2024-26.04.2024

SAMPOL907: Deep Learning for Social Scientists. 18.04.2024-19.04.2024

GOV903: Gendered Autocratization. 21.03.2024-22.03.2024

SAMPOL904: Panel and Pooled Data Analysis. 18.03.2024-20.03.2024

SAMPOL906: Better Data Visualization (using R). 14.02.2024-15.02.2024

N-POC903: Multidisciplinary Methodologies for Global Challenges: Pacific Research Narratives. 15.01.2024-15.03.2024.

VITSV900: Philosophy and Ethics of Social Sciences. 29.01.2024-02.02.2024

Courses autumn 2023

GOV901: Effects of Lawfare: Courts and law as battlegrounds for social change. 01.08.2023-22.08.2023

SAMPOL905: Causal Inference with Observational Data. 26.09.2023-27.09.2023 

Courses spring 2023

VITSV900: Philosophy and Ethics of Social Sciences

SANT907: Using the mobile phone as a tool for visual documentation in the field. 17.-18. and 26.04.2023

SANT908: Radical science in the Anthropocene: Prospects and perils. 17.-20. April 2023

GOV902: Accounting for Time: Public Bureaucracies in a Changing Environment. 15.-21 June 2023

GEO903: Political Ecology of Land and Food Systems. 30. mai -2. juni 2023

Courses autumn 2022

AORG908: Effects of Lawfare: Courts and law as battlegrounds for social change. 15.08.2022-30.08.202.

SAMPOL904: Panel and Pooled Data Analysis. 15.08.2022-19.08.2022

INFO900: Introduction to Learning Analytics. 29.08.2022- 05.12.2022

MET900: Qualitative Digital Methods for Social Scientists. 12.09.2022 - 15.09.2022

SDG900: PhD for Innovation. Interdisciplinary course from systems thinking through creative problem-solving to R&D management. 14.11.2022 - 18.11.2022

MEV905: Towards a counter-hegemonic bottom-up creation of concepts. 01.12.2022 - 02.12.2022

Courses spring 2022

VITSV900: Philosophy and Ethics of Social Sciences. 14.02.2022-18.02.2022.

INFO901: Introduction to AI Ethics. Week 10 and 11.

SAMPOL903: Advanced Quantitative Text Analysis. 28.03.2022 - 29.03.2022.

SANT906: New technologies and the future of the human. 28.03.2022 - 31.03.2022.

ECON912: Topics in the Industrial Organization of Education Markets. 09.05.2022-12.05.2022.

MEVI904: Understanding media experience. 07.06.2022 - 10.06.2022

Courses autumn 2021

MET900: Qualitative Digital Methods for Social Scientists. 13.09.2021-16.09.2021

SDG900: PhD for Innovation. Interdisciplinary course from systems thinking through creative problem-solving to R&D management. 13.09.2021-17.09.2021

AORG908: Effects of Lawfare: Courts and law as battlegrounds for social change. 09.08.2021- 23.08.2021 (preparatory period from 2 August)

AORG909: Accounting for Time: Public Bureaucracies in a Changing Environment. 06.12.2021 - 10.12.2021

Courses spring 2021

INFO900: Introduction to Learning Analytics. 15.03.2021- 08.06.2021

Courses autumn 2020

SAMPOL902: Effects of Lawfare: Courts and law as battlegrounds for social change.12.08 - 21.08.2020

SDG900: Innovation course. 14.09.-18.09.2020 

SANT905: The Global City and the Nature of the Urban: Anthropological Perspectives. 02.11. - 05.11.20

Courses spring 2020

DIGSSCORE900: Survey Experiments: Design and Data Analysis. 04.05 - 06.05.2020

AORG907: Introduction to Systematic Review (SR) and the use of SR in Social Science. 17.06. - 19.06.2020 (25.06.2020*) *Full course only. 

Courses autumn 2019

SAMPOL902: Effects of Lawfare: Courts and law as battlegrounds for social change

Courses spring 2019

VITSV900: Philosophy and Ethics of Social Sciences

GEO-SD900: PhD for Innovation - Interdisciplinary problem solving and Creativity. 7 - 8 May and 21 - 23 May 2019

AORG906: Introduction to Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA). 20 -24 May 2019

Courses autumn 2018

SAMPOL902: Effects of Lawfare: Courts and law as battlegrounds for social change. 15- 24 August

GEO901: Production and Interpretation of Qualitative Data. 11-14 September and 17-18 October

Courses spring 2018

VITSV900: Philosophy and Ethics of Social Sciences.

Courses autumn 2017 

SAMPOL902: Effects of Lawfare: Courts and law as battlegrounds for social change, 17-25 August

GEO901: Production and Interpretation of Qualitative Data. 3-6 October and 16-17 November

MEVI903: Media, Culture and Participation. 25-27 October


Courses spring 2017 

VITSV900: Philosophy and Ethics of Social Sciences.

ECON911: The Economics of Exclusion. 21-26 April 2017

DIGSSCORE900: Survey Experiments: Design and Data Analysis. 26- 28 April 2017

SOS905: Transitions to adulthood in times of inequality: the changing impact of intergenerational relations. 30 May to 1 June 2017

SANT904: Capitalism for Anthropologists. 26-28 June


UPED634: University pedagogics for PhD candidates. 22. March, 26. April and 24. May

Courses autumn 2016 

SAMPOL902: Effects of Lawfare: Courts and law as battlegrounds for social change

AORG905: Democracy and Citizenship in Education


Fixed activities

  • Introductory seminar is held every semester
  • Mid-way seminar is held every winter
  • Course in Philosophy of Social Sciences is held every winter
  • Seminar in academic writing is held every winter
  • Seminar on database search and reference managing is held every autumn