Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities

Internal seminar spring 2025

The internal seminar for employees at the SVT normally takes place every other Friday from 13.15-15.00.

A house facade in dark yellow and white, with a winding staircase on the left. A tree with green leaves to the right of the building
The internal seminars usually take place at Parkveien 9 and/or digitally.
Thor Brødreskift

Main content

Employees at the SVT and invited guests can use the seminar to present article drafts, project applications and similar.

Responsible staff member for the internal seminars is postdoctoral fellow Rose Trappes.

Interested in contributing? Contact Kamilla Stølen.

Dates for the coming spring (the overview below will be continously updated):

17.01José Francisco Orozco Meléndez: Outline of my methodological approach
14.02Scott Bremer: Coordinating seasons in Bergen Arboretum
14.03Emma Lord: A moral economy of REDD+ in Kigoma test pilot project, Tanzania
28.03Silje Langvatn: "Two Concepts of Rules" – and two concepts of legitimacy?
11.04Audun Syltevik: The assumptions of moral foundations theory
25.04Roxana Roos: CLIMArcTIC project (Knowledge Equity)
09.05Caroline Engen: "Doctors must live": a care ethics inquiry into physicians’ late modern suffering

In addition to the internal seminar, our PhD candidates are starting up a regular reading seminar at SVT. The timeslot will be every other Friday between 13.15 and 15.00 on the days without an internal seminar.