Useful information for staff members
The following is an overview of the most important things that apply to all staff members at SVT.

Main content
General information
You can find useful and updated information in the Employee Handbook and the UiB Employee Pages.
Obligations towards the Centre
Employees at the Centre are expected to be present at regular meetings and seminars. Employees are also encouraged to organize internal and/or public seminars at the Centre.
Access: ID card and user account
You need an ID card and a user account at the UiB. The Card Centre issues employee ID cards, and this card is valid as the key card to the Centre’s front door, gives access to the copy machines, and serves as your library card for the University Library. Ask Silje Mari Mo in the administration to order a key card for you.
A user account is needed for access to UiB's IT services: E-mail, storage, printing, home page, access to the internet, as well as other IT services. User acounts for new employees are created automatically based on data from the payroll system (DFØ) and guest system. Once you receive a notification about this, you must activate your account. Read more about UiBtilgang - Common access control for IT services - Employee.
Problems with your password? if you have an activated user account, you should be able to change it yourself at
IT assistance
If you need IT assistance, you can contact the UiB's IT service desk BRITA via chat, phone or UiBhjelp.
Your salary will be deposited to your bank account on the 12th every month. If you start on the 1st of a month, you'll get your salary the same month.
DFØ - self-service portal and app
Use the DFØ's self-service portal and app for registering your work hours, registering sick leave, claiming travel expenses and other refunds, requests for leaves of absence, travel, vacations, etc.
Mobile app – DFØ selvbetjening
Download the ‘DFØ selvbetjening’ app from the AppStore or Google Play. The app is available in English. You can choose language settings in the app.
Web solution – self-service portal
Log in to the self-service portal here.
More information about the portal and the app can be found here. Here you will also find user guides for the various services in the app and portal.
For questions on how to fill out the travel and purchase refund forms please contact
If you need support, or have other questions, contact UiBHjelp.
If you have technical questions related to the self-service portal or app, contact DFØ (08.00-15.45). Email:, phone: 40 63 40 21
Vacations, leaves of absence, sick days, etc.
If you are sick, please inform Tone Lund-Olsen and record this information in the the Employee Self-Service Portal. You also need to register for your vacations in the Portal as well. This gets sent to Tone who will approve/not approve the request. If you need a leave of absence, please contact Tone directly.
For more information on your rights to a vacation, sick days, parental leave, personal leave of abscence, etc., please check out the Employee Handbook and UiB Employee pages. The links are at the start of this info page.
Be aware that you must apply for your main vacation by May 1st every year. All employees who have worked enough get 5 weeks paid vacation each year (at least three of those weeks need to be taken consecutively between weeks 24-32), and those who turn 60 this year will also receive one additional week. Those who either turn 62 or who are older than that this year get 10 Senior Days every year as well. The Senior Days cannot be transferred to next year. Up to 10 vacation days can be transferred to next year. All this is to be recorded in the Employee Self-Service Portal.
Please note that for employees with teaching responsbilities, research activities that require abscence from the work place must be planned so that they do not clash with the start of the semester (always in weeks 2 and 33) or during the exam period.
Abscence and notification
For planned abscence from your work place (travel, vacation, etc.), remember to add an Out of office response to your e-mail.
Updating your personal page on
You must update your own personal page yourself. See this manual for information on accessing and editing your personal page at If you have questions, please ask Kamilla Stølen.
Mail/office supplies
All employees have their own mail slot on the ground floor. On this floor, you'll also find office supplies.
Idunn Tandstad is the Centre's safety delegate. More about health, environment and safety at SVT here.
If you have any special requirements/needs for your workspace, contact Idunn.
Security | The HSE-gateway | UiB
If you suspect a security breach at your office or see unauthorized people in the building, call Securitas, our security company: 55 58 80 81. Also call Tone Lund-Olsen on 416 49 259 to inform her about what has happened.
Where there is danger to life, health and safety, always call an emergency number first:
Fire: 110
Police: 112
Ambulance: 113
Operating funds for PhD and postdoctoral fellows
Research Fellows are awarded operating funds that are spread over a period of three years; in the fourth year all the remaining funds will be transferred over, depending on which type of work contract the fellow has.
Budgeted operating costs
SVT's operating funds cover rent, office supplies, etc. Basic office supplies are ordered by the center’s purchasing agent. We are required to use UiB’s approved suppliers, who provide discounts and who have undergone an extensive vetting process.
Your personal operating funds should be used to cover expenses for research purposes, such as books, special computer software, licenses, travel and lodging, seminars, conferences, miscellaneous fees and other research-related purposes. Every year you will be informed as to the status of your individual budget.
From 02.01.23, goods and services need to be ordered through UiBHjelp. Please use this form: Order goods/services (HF - pilot*) - UiBhjelp. You will need the relevant "delprosjektnummer", and you should be able to find this in the financial report sent to the staff every month.
Please note that the university has framework agreements which we are obligated to use. See the overview here: Purchase order under a framework agreement | Employee Pages | UiB. It's important that the purchase has been cleared with Tone before you send the form. If you have questions, ask Silje.
Purchasing books
Books also need to be ordered via the above-mentioned order form. Please send links to the books you want from Akademia and include the ISBN13 number. According to UiB's policy, you cannot purchase books from Akademika yourself and ask for a refund. All purchases must be approved by Tone Lund-Olsen.
The Center will cover the purchases of computers and iPads. Contact Tone about this first. Ask the senior executive officer for the current models available and use the ordering form mentioned above when you know what you want to order.
Credit card
It is recommended that each staff member applies for an UiB Credit Card, which can be used to cover your business travel expenses, the Credit Card has replaced travel cash advances. State that the University of Bergen is your employer on the application form. When travel is paid with the employee’s UiB credit card, travel insurance is included. If the bill from the credit card company is due before the journey is made and/or before any money is refunded by the University of Bergen, the University will cover the interest fees. Interest fees and annual fees for credit cards are covered by the University. Most chose to pay the miminum amount each month and then claim the interest fees when they send in the travel form - make sure you include the interest for each month as it adds up! Make sure you do the travel form within a month after your travel is finished. This will reduce the interest fees that the University will have to pay out. The credit card is ONLY to be used for UiB Business Travel expenses: flights, hotels, meals, conference fees, etc. The credit card is NOT for personal use.
Tax cards
Non-Norwegian citizens will have to APPLY for a new tax card every year. You can ask Tone Lund-Olsen for help in doing this. It is normally done online using form RF-1209. If you fail to apply for the tax card, a 50 % tax will be deducted from your salary. You of course will receive any overpaid tax later on after the tax card is received, but it can take time.
Booking and payment of travel
All employees need to book and pay for their own business travel, such as flights, train travel, hotels, meals, conference registration fees, rental cars, taxis, airport buses, etc. The exception is for group travel for 10 or more people and travels for invited guests who are coming to Norway - these bookings must be done by the purchasing agent (use the order form for this). NB: The purchasing agent cannot order tickets for trains, ferries or hotels abroad for guests.
You can use any airline and hotel you want. However, you MUST use the University’s Travel Agent Berg-Hansen. For travel outside of Europe, a scanned copy of your passport is usually required. For more information about travel and the UiB Credit Card: Travel | Employee Pages | UiB
Travel expense form and reimbursements
All employees must use the Self-service portal/DFØ app to register travel expenses and ask for reimbursements. You'll find more information about these solutions and links to how-to-guides here: Self service Portal | Employee Pages | UiB.
The employee has to book their own travel and stay and submit a travel expense form with all costs and receipts from their travel. Please be accurate when describing the purpose/reason for your travel expense form/reimbursement.
Only research-related purposes and purchases that cannot be covered by regular purchase should be filed as reimbursement. Ask Tone about this if anything is unclear. (All travel-related expenses must be filed in the travel expense form - see above). Purchases that can be orded by the purchasing agent in the administration shall not be done by the employee.
Are you going on a research stay for more than 28 days? If so, you are not supposed to file a regular travel expense form. Contact the Section for financial services at HF for advice: UiBhjelp > administrativ arbeidsstøtte > Økonomi og regnskap > Kontakt økonomiseksjonen ved HF.
In your travel expense form or reimbursment form, it's important that you fill out the correct accounts in the step "Kostnadsfordeling": First, choose Annen. You'll then see the account fields, and there are two fields you need to check in order to place the expenses correctly:
Kostnadssted is the unit where the expenses are to be placed. Here, your unit (centre) will be the default option and is only to be changed if another unit will cover the costs. For external people, the cost code (8 digits, for instance 11750000) must be added.
Arbeidsordre (K7) is the "delprosjekt" to cover the cost. "Delprosjektnummer" 9 digits, for instance 100152103) must be added, and you choose the alternative that comes up in the field. An example of a correct image for an expense to be put on the Head of Centre's funds is shown below:

SVT's home in Ida Bloms hus, Parkveien 9.
People not employeed by the UiB who have to claim travel or other expenses must use the self-service solution PayMe: Payme | Employee Pages | UiB. People paid by the hour or under assignment contracts at UiB have to use the Self-service portal since they're already registered in the system.
The Centre must help guest users get access to PayMe or the DFØ app. Whoever uses PayMe must be registered in the new salary system SAP. The Centre must send the following information about the guest user: private e-mail address, mobil number with correct country code, full name (as in passport), account number, birth date and personal ID, address and to which account the expense should be filed. If the person is not a Norwegian citizen, a copy of their passport must also be submitted. This information must be sent to UiBhjelp to the group Salary. Guest users will then receive an e-mail with information about access and log in via the ID portal.
Who does what in the administration?
Tone, Silje, Kamilla and Idunn's tasks at SVT and SKOK
The joint administration at SVT and SKOK have the following functions and responsibilities:
Tone Lund-Olsen is the Head of Administration and is employed in a 100% position. Tone is responsible for the following tasks:
- Overall responsibility for operation and management
- Recruitment, personnel matters
- Responsible for tasks in connection with the PhD theses and doctoral defenses
- Finances and Budget
Silje Mari Mo is Senior Executive officer and is employed in a 60% position. Silje is responsible for the following tasks:
- Ordering, reception of goods and invoice processing
- Shipping, mail processing, contact for the university's archive and library
- Reception of new employees and guests
- Event support: includes responsibility for booking catering, meeting rooms and accommodation for courses, conferences and seminars
- Responsible for room bookings, phones and access cards
- Planning and implementation of activities for a good work environment for employees and students
- Participation in administrative networks
Kamilla Stølen is Advisor for Research and Communication, and is employed in a 100 % position. Kamilla is responsible for the following tasks:
- The website
- Assists in connection with publicity and media relations
- Assistance in connection with conferences, seminars and other events
- Assistance in connection with application for external funding
- Other administrative duties
Idunn Tandstad is Senior Executive Officer and works with master and doctoral education. She is employed in a 100 % position and is responsible for the following tasks:
- Student guidance
- Administration of education at master level (recruitment, quality in studies and education, examination, study plans, internationalization)
- Administration of doctoral education
- Webpages
- PhD coordinator
Mari-Kristine Morberg is Senior Executive Officer and works with bachelor education. She is employed in a 60 % position and is responsible for the following tasks:
- Administration of the Crucial Issues in Science and Society courses (study plans, examination, internationalization, dissemination, development of courses)
- Student guidance